And here I have a very long sitting room; which would easily take a long trestle table. But to do this the boys had to be on board because the table weighs a ton. So yesterday minds were in sink, we got an early start and within one hour it was done.
I had to jettison one item, well set and that is the Chinese table and stools went to the basement, so until next winter, when we will swap it back. Well we have to because of the wood stove.
You might say "why go to all that trouble?" and I'm sure that's what the boys think, but just once I want to see that lovely table set in all it's glory.
I had to jettison one item, well set and that is the Chinese table and stools went to the basement, so until next winter, when we will swap it back. Well we have to because of the wood stove.
You might say "why go to all that trouble?" and I'm sure that's what the boys think, but just once I want to see that lovely table set in all it's glory.
At least I started early enough before all my energy was gone. After which I took Rob to IKEA to pick out a poster frame. But unfortunately they are 1/2" too short and he will not trim his posters as he feels they are, or will become collectors items, so therefore, one was kept to replace a warped poster frame, obviously too cheap and the other one has to go back. So now the search for a larger one. The boy is most particular.
Well that was Saturday. Have a great weekend.
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