Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Direct Flight Path

Hi Dear Folk,

We are sitting under a direct flight path, fortunately it's the flight path of the geese.  They are a noisy bunch but I do love to hear them fly over.  As you know they fly in the V formation and variations of that.  There always seems to be a lead goose who regularly honks out and then there's a rear end goose, like being on the caboose and he answers back in a softer call.  I think they fly from the town dam area which was built for overflow water, because before my time the town flooded out.  Usually it's just grass there but can take excess water.

In 1999 the worst flooding I remember was hurricane Floyd.  Rob was five then and the water dropped by that hurricane filled that entire area up and since his school backed onto it, water lapped well up the playground but did not rise high enough to inundate the school.

Back to the geese.  They feed in that area and then fly over to the Farm Park, so we are under their flight path.  Yesterday was so beautiful that I spent a lot of the day out in the yard.  Another three boxes of kindling ready for the fire, the clean up from our oak tree is never ending, and two trash cans of leaves, which has made no dent at all in the ongoing clean up.  I have to do one little area at a time,  and can see that that looks good, or the overall clean up seems overwhelming.

Mr. B. had to make a run for the Boy, he bought a $900 brand new Klipsh subwoofer for $100 the corner had been damaged in shipping but worked as it should.  Mr. B. went to pick it up for him, in my car.  We used to have a SUV and a hatchback, now both our cars are sedans and I think we made a mistake there.  Not good for picking up larger objects and spontaneous side of the road trash pickups.

On the way back he bought pastries, so we sat out in the sun, drinking coffee and eating pastries in February, the garden's a fright but it felt good.  Tuppy even sunbathed on the wrought iron table.

This is my must not procrastinate day, four or it could be five projects weighing on my mind.  Must make new file folders for 2019.  Must sort all paperwork for tax filing.  Must get some documents together needed for Health Care and phone about submitting for Medicare.  Must make a plot plan and submit to borough.

If I write them here maybe it will give me that push to get them done.  Or at least some of it done.  It's meant to be even hotter today and yesterday was 60 Fahrenheit; which means I will really just want to be out in the garden.



  1. Oh, so nice to be out in the garden - enjoy!

  2. Glad you can get out for a bit to enjoy the sun and warmth. It's a nice break in February to have this. I need to get our tax stuff together too...have an appointment in 2 weeks. We live near Valley Forge and often have geese flying overhead (plenty of farmland around too for them to forage in corn fields, etc.). I love hearing them honk as they fly by.

  3. It helps me to write the list too -- I feel more accountable! I love the sounds of geese -- as long as they aren't being dirty on my beach!

  4. Too cold and miserable to be in the garden here. I had to laugh at your flight path. We are under a flight path too but not geese, mainly Ryanair and Easyjet.I hope your projects get under way.

  5. How nice to be out in the garden, it will be another month or two before we can get much done out there.
