Thursday, February 7, 2019

Appeared First On. Read it First Here and Other Daily Thoughts

Hi Dear Folk,

Can someone explain to me the phrase that I am seeing more and more on Blogs, "Appeared first on." "Read it first here."  Is this some kind of laying hold of a right?  Is it connected with marketing a product?  I would really like to know.  Have you seen that?

I've spent three days in the garden.  I have tiny little sections that look cleaned up, but the overall effect is still a mess.  It rained so much last year and then the snow, if you step on a paver it squelches mud out of the side.  All my patios feel like they're floating on a sub strata.  The trees will have an extra wide band growth for this past year.

I did get a lot of paperwork done, but applications led to more action being needed.  Still a lot was accomplished.

I mentioned that I bought an old Coventry ceramic alarm clock from Shop Goodwill, I posted this on Instagram.  It works well and keeps perfect time, but had a slight continuous buzzing noise.  After the first night of setting it up and having it on my bedside table, I woke up the next morning with the most horrendous headache.  I don't know if it was the clock or just coincidence, but to me it's like Chinese water torture, so unfortunately it had to go.  I really liked it.  I replaced it with a neon pink cube from Walmart, which is small, silent, has big digital numbers and a snooze button.  The modern alternative but I quite like it, lights up in neon pink and that's great on a grey day.

Mr. B. told me that he read 40% of the members of Congress are millionaires.  The USA falls at a poverty level of 17.8% of the population, in an OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) county.  Denmark has the least at 5.5% of population and 98% of households with children 15 and under received financial assistance, so that people do not drop into poverty in the first place and to help the middle class out too, at 98% pretty much everyone must be getting a helping hand.

I have read that Denmark is the happiest nation of people, lots of Hygge there and no wonder when they receive such things as free college tuition and health care, job training, subsidized child care and more I could go on.

Believe it or not Mexico falls at 16.7% of their population lives in poverty less than the USA, now go figure that one.  Now where are the hordes coming from?  Maybe Brazil at 20%.

All this is in the January 2019 Fortune magazine "The Shrinking Middle Class"  Most interesting reading.

So I got online to set up for Medicare and a big stumper of a question was "What date did you become a naturalized citizen?" Looked in my paperwork file, could not find it there, although do remember receiving a letter from President Clinton.   Fortunately I had recently organized all my old diaries, it does come in handy sometimes, all that draw tidying.  I remembered that Rob was four, because I took him with me.  I thought he should attend that ceremony. So looked through my diary for 1998, and found my initial meeting with immigration but had to go through a second time to find my actual swearing in.  Thank goodness it was there and I found it.  It is now hi lighted in pink.  I should probably write it down somewhere else.  In all these years it has not come up before, maybe when I first applied for a USA passport, but that was probably right after, so fresh in my mind.

Now I'm going to see if my local library has any of the Persephone books that are on my must read list.  Need my mind transported.

Have a great day.



  1. "Appeared first on." "Read it first here." --- Isn't this sort of like giving a click-able link, to all Net photos and illustrations, which one uses, on their blog? I do this. But am not familiar with the 2 phrases you said.

  2. How can anyone compare Danish statistics, with USA statistics??? Just look at the size of Denmark. And the size of the USA. Consider how many more people are in the USA, than are in Denmark.

    Does Denmark, or any other country, do all the "Taking Care Of Bad Guys On A World Wide Basis", which the USA does??? Of course not. And all that Being The World Protector, costs money. No other country is the Protector of The World. So how can their statistics, be compared with ours?

    Annnnnnd, with all this poverty, which we have here, in the USA... Certain people want to tear down all barriers, and welcome all, all, all, who want to come here.

    While at the same time, there are already poverty statistics, for our country. How in God's name, can they not realize, that our economy, will not be able to take care of all who want to come here??!!??

    I believe they know this. But for political reasons, and for "it feels good" reasons, they ignore the facts of life. They continue to push for this un-do-able goal, of "All Come".

    You posted... I commented....

    1. I understand exactly what you are saying and that is the dilemma.

  3. I've not really noticed those phrases. I suppose it is acknowledging the authors. Much too cold, wet and miserable to garden here. You have done well. I love your clock. Shame about the noise but the replacement is cheerful. Forms!!! Why do they suddenly what to know all this information. The trouble is you can never talk to an actual person to get any help. Hope it all works out.

    1. I think you are right it is to give credit to the author for what was said. That is the trouble so much is online.

  4. Oh, I'm glad you were able to find your paperwork on the naturalization. You are going to LOVE Medicare!

    I rarely see that phrase but when I have it is when something has appeared before in another blog by someone else and it's attribution, probably to avoid copyright issues.

  5. I think you are right Jeanie it's copyright issues. I'm glad to hear that I will enjoy medicare. You have cheered me up.
