Saturday, February 2, 2019

Craft, Comfort, Colour and Crises

Hi Dear Folk,

I've been taking a little break from being online.  It's nice to step back and hibernate and go with the rhythm of the season.  Just posting a few things on Instagram.  If so you'll know the story of my roses just found outside my house last Saturday on the grass verge.  Someone wasn't happy with the apology.

Cooking hearty soups with dumplings.  Enjoying Trader Joes spiced coffee, which reminds me of the film Chocolat.  Gradually working on those cleaning jobs that need to be done, ticking jobs off the list.

Gifts from friends in the UK.  A tea infuser I named Oscar, I think he already looks a little inebriated  he probably needs a little tea to bring him round.  A lovely wall hanging from Gujarat.

Colours to cheer the soul in the middle of winter, bright oranges and reds along with deep burgundies.

Today was sunny, cold and still.  No wind just a beautiful quiet day.  It was good to get out, walk and breath in the cold fresh air.

To see sunlight and shadows on the dappled snow.

Hedgerows with hidden critters, waiting for spring.

Working on a little patchwork project, curtains for my front door side panel windows.  I am going to edge them in crochet, at least that's the plan in my mind.  I had some pieces a friend gave to me that were already cut out, so thought might as well use those.  The comfort of crafting is therapeutic and calming in a world of crises.

I've been listening to classical music more and more, I just don't want to listen to the news, and like the calming effect, not that all classical music is calming. So I've been keeping the Internet and Media at bay.

Although I have been viewing a few documentaries.  Such as DuPont Teflon poisoning in Parkersburg WV.  Did you know that 90% of the people in this world tested for Teflon come up positive.  They had to go all the way back to the Korean War and compare blood samples taken and kept from the soldiers back then, to get clean samples.  We are all unknowing guinea pigs.

Another fact is that Teflon is even used on some dental floss, the one I like the best.  Ease of use is not always the best for you.

Maybe I should just listen to the classical music.

Hope your weekend is good.



  1. Yes, crafting is a lovely escape from everything. Enjoy your quiet time.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Quiet time is the best.

  2. I love the wall hanging that you were gifted such a wonderful array of colour. The patchwork curtains with a crochet border sound amazing. I am so looking forward to seeing them hanging, I do hop you will share.

    1. I do hope they turn out OK and will post pictures.

  3. Your patchwork curtains sound great. I love your snow photos. So peaceful. Yes I avoid the news too as much as possible. Have been watching Canadian train journeys and listening to 40's swing which is nice and cheerful.

  4. Yup. I think your 2nd to the last sentence is a good idea. Would you write about the roses here? Jazz is what soothes me, and reading of course.

    1. I like jazz too. I came home on Saturday morning after going out and as I drove up to my house I saw what I though was trash just sitting there on my grass verge between the sidewalk and the road. But on close inspection it was a bunch of roses all wrapped up, so I picked them up and took them into the house and had roses for the weekend to cheer me up. I guess whoever they were given to was not happy with them and threw them there. I enjoyed them.

  5. I know what you mean. I love documentaries but they can get you down! But oh, your projects are delightful as are the lovely things you shared here. That color means a lot this time of year!

    Thanks for popping over to visit me. Always good to see you!

  6. Love that movie - Chocolat - thanks for the reminder. I'd like to see it again = perhaps on Netflix? Love your gifts from friends - the tea infuser is so funny and the wall hanging is gorgeous. I stay away from the news and pretty much just listen to WRTI for classical during the day and jazz at night.

  7. I just love your new tea infuser!!! Had to laugh about the roses. Lucky you to find them while they are still nice.

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