Friday, January 18, 2019

Snow, Rain, Plummeting Temps

Hi Dear Folk,

It's freezing snow and cold today, they say some rain then a freeze up, not my favorite, I prefer straight snow.

That cold I got last week didn't seem so bad but left me from day to day saying I think I'm better, then, no I'm not better and a total depletion of energy.

I have done some fun lunches with friends over the past week.  A friend had me over to lunch and gave me some beautiful sage green toile fabric, two different patterns. I love it. Also a beautiful scarf she bought for me while on vacation.

I took another friend J. to the doctor's that's about an hours drive each way, after that we went out to Red Robin for lunch, got to chat and catch up with each other.

I've also been planning with a friend a 60th Anniversary for older friends who are originally from what was Rhodesia and South Africa. They spent their honeymoon near Victoria Falls, how romantic is that? The dinner is  being held at a restaurant, so about 48 people.  We've been sending out invitations and working on that.  Tuesday we visited the Country Club and went over the details with the events coordinator.  Pretty laid back and easy which is what I like and while we were there we had lunch.

I've been working on a simple shawl, just crocheted with odds from my yarn collection, something to throw over your shoulders in the evening and keep warm.  Not too complicated.  Just love the rhythm of sitting crocheting by the fire.  I'll use my Celtic shawl clasp.  It is very much Joseph's coat of many colours.  When one gets older you become what you always said or thought you wouldn't.

The Philadelphia Flower Show is in March and I've been thinking about attending that.  This year's theme is Flower Power.  Also a show that comes to Philadelphia each year is Shen Yun and I would like to see that.  It looks most colorful and that is needed right now in the depths of winter.

The Boy asked me, "How's retirement mum?  What are you doing with your time?"  I found it a hard question to answer.  I think the hardest thing for me in retirement is not feeling guilty for not having to account to someone for every minute of the day.  On the other hand I do like to look back on myself and feel I have accomplished things with my time.  Finding the balance and especially in the winter months when you quite feel like hibernating.

I did clean out one cabinet in the kitchen that held the meds and vitamins etc.  So much was old, really old and out of date, that I've got two totally empty shelves and one sparse shelf, if you knew my house you'd know that never happens.  My sister said somehow she landed up taking some old meds and got really sick from it, that was a motivating factor.  I put it in the trash, but Mr. B. said your not allowed to do that and pulled them out. I guess they have to be returned to a pharmacy.

Now I'm determined to use everything up as I go along before I add more. Plus medications are so stinking expensive over here I'm not wasting a thing.  For instance the doctor prescribed me a nasal spray to help with my sinuses, that was $129, fortunately I only paid $15 with my prescription plan.  But this year I have a terrible health plan, #45 made all sorts of cut backs on the Federal assistance to health medical insurance.  (Friends of mine call him that #45 and I thought that works for me.) So when the pharmacy phoned and said we have your prescription ready for pickup, a refill on the nasal spray I had to say sorry you'll have to re shelf it, I can't afford $129.  Plus I do have some left.

That medication really helps me, with my allergies and sinuses, but I'll just have to wait until May, when I go on Medicare.  I feel like everyone in the States just cobbles their health care together in what ever works for that year, because next year it's all changed yet again.

I received one pot of the French ink that I ordered but for some reason the second pot I ordered has not arrived.  It has a pen stand indented in the glass bottle, I've never seen that before.  I'm looking forward to writing with this fun colour.  I think it's meant to be the oldest company still making ink.

I also received my icing nozzles.  I succumbed to pure Instagram advertising, of an item promoted by the Shark's, lets's hope it lives up to expectations.  Now to make cupcakes and icing and have a go.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Oh cupcakes!! Sounds delicious. Yup - the weather forecast for the weekend does not look great (but better than they were forecasting the other day). I've got plans to be out and about tomorrow, so hopefully the precipitation will hold off a bit. Have a wonderful, cozy weekend. Love your new ink color - very pretty.

  2. We've had some freezing rain and now a snow storm is on the way. I hope you are enjoying your retirement. It's time to do what you want to do, what you feel like doing and what you enjoy!

    My MIL & FIL 'stocked' up on their medicine before the first of the year. It is sad that healthcare is SO expensive over here. In England when Mum had cancer she didn't have to spend a penny. She didn't have to worry about whether she could afford to be sick, or losing her house (that she'd worked REALLY hard for!). She could just concentrate on getting well.

    The fabric is lovely - nice gift! Love your crochet. Doing it will certainly keep you warm on these colder days and nights.

  3. The fabric is beautiful and I love your shawl as its lovely and cheerful for the winter. Don't blame you for wanting to hibernate. Its turned cold here but bright with it. The ink bottle looks very interesting.I was horrified at the cost of your medication. It's free for over 60's here and just recently I am very pleased about that.

  4. Hopefully #46 can get things back on track over there. Sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly.

  5. Hello! I'm glad that you commented on my blog so that I could find yours! Or did I comment before and forgot? Goodness. Sorry it has been a hectic few months. At any rate I really could relate to this:
    "The Boy asked me, "How's retirement mum? What are you doing with your time?" I found it a hard question to answer. I think the hardest thing for me in retirement is not feeling guilty for not having to account to someone for every minute of the day. On the other hand I do like to look back on myself and feel I have accomplished things with my time. Finding the balance and especially in the winter months when you quite feel like hibernating."

    While we are semi-retired (because we can't afford to totally retire) I really understand. I feel so guilty when I have not accomplished something that I consider "meaningful". I'm so afraid of wasting time....sometimes I feel like I don't know how to relax very well.
    I've enjoyed your post...and your crochet! The colors really cheered me on this grey day! I've followed your blog! Looking forward to getting to know you!

    Mrs. N in Japan

  6. I am so glad that we get free prescriptions, I dread to think how much it would cost the amount of medication Gerard and I are taking at the moment. What a worry for a lot of people it must be. I am glad to hear you are filling your days in retirement. It on't be long before you wonder how you ever had time to go to work. Have a great weekend.

  7. It sounds like you are having a wonderful retirement, doing things when you want to is a blessing after working so hard for so long. I get so frustrated with our healthcare system, Little Buddy's care is changing yet again. We don't take care for those that need it the most, it is so sad.

  8. We're having the same weather! I love retirement. I felt guilty for about the first six months. Then, surprise, surprise, I now feel divinely decadent! Not that I don't get things done. I do. They're just the things I want to do (and the occasional must)

  9. Love your the beautiful fabric x
