Sunday, May 27, 2018

Three Joys Before 8:00 AM

Hi Dear Folk,

An emergency flash flood warning just came across my cell phone, yes we are back to grey skies, rain and thunder.  However I was able to dash out in my nightie, dig a hole, in the spitting rain and plant some miniature iris that my friend gave me yesterday and I had left in the car.

On my way over to dig the hole a tiny animal scuttled in front of me, I thought it was a mouse, but was just able to see that is was a toad, joys of joys I have a toad in my garden.  In all these years of having a pond I have never seen any frogs or toads.  It makes my heart happy.

Dashed for the scissors and was able to cut a bunch of peonies before the downpour started and have arranged them in my Shannon cut glass vase.  Didn't I say as soon as the peonies come out the rain downpours.

They are glorious and the fragrance wafts around.  Just right on a dull gloomy day.  My veg and seeds will be happy for all this rain.

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day although getting rather hot and humid, up to 92 F.  I was out in the morning on my volunteer work, home for lunch, and then over to my friends to have my hair cut and hi lighted.

Janice has been a hair dresser all her life and she has been my friend about just as long as she has been a hair dresser.  So when I asked for hi lights on hair that is very white on my crown, but darker else where she thought it would not blend in.  In fact we had a little tussle over this.  I insisted and she acquiesced.  Obviously when your friends the customer is not always right, but this time the customer was, in fact it turned out so nice, contrary to her expectations, that she called her husband down to have a look.  I also had my hair cut shorter and layered, but still long enough to put up.  Hair success.  I love the tone effect of colour in my hair.

For some reason I was so tired last night that I was in bed by 8:00 pm, so forgot that the miniature blue iris from Janice's garden, were still in the car.  I didn't want to not get them planted hence the crazy dashing around the garden this morning with a spade and the digging of a hole, before the storm came, didn't even water them, because I figured they would be watered soon enough and they are now getting a good soaking.

My climbing hydrangea is in it's full glory.  For several years I had it growing along the fence under the oak tree, but it never thrived and when I put the pergola up I decided to dig it up and plant it on the outside corner of the pergola and after that it never looked back, it thrives and tells me how happy it is there, by it's prolific growth and flowers.  It's a good position, because when I sit on my Simla patio, it gives me privacy from the road out front and passers by.

How is your Sunday?



  1. How is my Sunday? Well, I've only been up long enough you make a pot of coffee and get my bed made :) No nightie gardening for me, LOL. We have had thunderstorms all around us, but not on us lately. Your peonies look magnificent in the vase, mine are the same shade of pink and bloomed this year for the first time. They are so lovely. Here's wishing you a sweet day.
    Connie :)

    1. Hi Connie, Thank you for your comment. Glad you too have the joy of peonies. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. You are a bit south of us, so your blooms are out sooner. Oh my those peonies! Gorgeous. Another blogger was letting her peonies stay in the garden. But then, with rain, they began to droop. As peonies do. So she cut and brought them in, for lovely bouquets. :-)

    A climbing hydrangea? Never heard that they will climb. My husband has been trying to grow hydrangeas for years! First year, they bloomed magnificently. Less 2nd year. Then, no more! And he has done everything suggested, to "make them happy." It is a saga! ,-)

    If it was hot/humid yesterday, I can see why you would be tired,later. Such weather simply "takes the starch out of me"!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day Weekend,
    A 'Nana' in upper NE of the US

  3. I'd love to see a picture of that hydrangea. Have you posted one that I missed? I loved all your stories. I wonder if you have to actually bring frogs to your pond. The peonies are so beautiful! I've never seen such a bold color! Glad to hear you are happy with your hair. Great story.

  4. I too have never heard of a climbing hydrangea and would love to see a photo. The peonies are beautiful! The garden will love the rain and hopefully grow like mad. Oh, and a photo of your new hair cut and colour? I'm getting highlights this month too. My hairdresser says it's the best way to colour greying mine

  5. Your peonies are beautiful and it's good that you saved them from being dashed by the rain. Ours have been spoiled overnight by the storms here and there are red petal across the lawn:)

  6. I'm so glad your hair turned out well! I can cut both ways and I'm glad your highlights worked well!

    Good on you, planting. We did cemetery flowers this weekend and I think I have almost everything in my garden pots except one or two things and I'll get dirt for that today. It's very hot here, too -- so productivity slows down! Enjoy your Monday!

  7. Had to laugh at the thought of you out in the rain in your nightie dashing about gardening! My peonies are just in bud. I have never cut them but might after seeing yours. I used to have a toad living under the patio but haven't seen it lately. Tiny frogs in abundance and they are all welcome. These things are all such a joy.
