Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Climbing Hydrangea

Hi Dear Folk,

I have had several requests to see a photo of my climbing hydrangea, and here it is, quite a monster.  Just hope my pergola holds up.  I love the way the branches splay out, almost has a Japanese look to me.  I think it has loved all the rain this year.

Growing Hydrangea - Vine Type

Latin Name Pronunciation: hye-dran'jee-uh  
Hydrangea anomala petiolaris is one of the best of the ornamental vines and useful because it will grow and flower even in a northern exposure. This is a large heavy vine that requires a very sturdy support. Reddish brown, peeling bark is attractive in the winter. Superb growing up the trunk of large shade trees, walls, fences, or along a stone wall.
  • Full sun or shade; needs afternoon shade in the Deep South and in western Zones 9 and 10.
  • Plant in rich, moisture-retentive, well-drained soil.
  • Climbing Hydrangea's growth habit is unusual for a vine, because plants have lateral branches that will grow out as much as 3′ from the supporting structure, giving a rich, deep texture that is quite unlike that of other vines, which more typically twine up a narrow support.
  • Climbs with the aid of rootlike holdfasts, which cling to almost any surface.
  • Slow growing for first 2 or 3 years, but vigorous and fast growing once established (this is an example of that old gardener's saying about vines: first it sleeps, then it creeps, then it leaps. A little patience will be amply rewarded.).
  • May take 3–5 years to start blooming.
  • Prune as needed after bloom.


  1. Wow! That is one HUGE bush! So pretty. Just catching up on some blogs as last week was a blur at work. Loved the pictures from your retirement lunch. Congratulations!!

  2. Thank you for showing your fantastic climbing bush!!!

    I showed my husband, who had not heard of such, either.

    And thank you for the instructions, as well.

  3. Yikes! I would ADORE one like that. Mine is pretty -- but it doesn't climb!

    I'm not getting comment notifications but I saw you came by and thank you for visiting and commenting too!

  4. I feel I have seen this type of hydrangea. This is great.
