Saturday, May 26, 2018

Retirement Day and Dinner

Hi Dear Folk,

Time is flying now and here we are on Thursday the day of my retirement lunch, it almost seems surreal. My boss John invited my husband to join us.

Mr B. and I in the conference room at our office.  I will be sad to leave this view, of all the offices I have worked in over the years, this has been my best view.  City Hall Philadelphia.

In Philly we like to keep our statues simple, above the Clothespin statue by Claes Oldenburg and below the LOVE statue, in fact the artist who designed the sculpture Robert Indiana, just died.

They have almost finished this park, shame it wasn't ready last summer.  This is on the one side of my building.  Isn't it a gorgeous day?  Just perfect.

The LOVE statue is back to it's original park and colour.  At some point the inner purple colour was painted blue, but now has been restored back to the purple.

Here I am walking back to get the lift up to our office.

We dined at DelFrisco's for my retirement lunch and very nice it was too.  I think this is the third time I have had lunch here since we have been in the city.  I must say our dining out did take a jump up since we moved to Phillly.

This restaurant is in an old bank and the above photo shows the beauty of the ceiling also the circular wine tower they have here.  You can also see the mezzanine level, we did have a table up there one time.

The CEO of our company, Ralph came down from NYC.  I indulged in a pomegranate martini, and very good it was too.  In fact the whole lunch from appetizers to desert and coffee was delicious.

To the left of the above group is our little office, including Erin, my replacement, John my boss in center front, on the left Tom and Bob. To the right are Hugh and Mel who I worked for, for many years and they sold their company to Vanguard.  I started work with them in 1981.  Hugh and Mel coming was a surprise.  I have been fortunate over the years to have worked for good companies and with good people.

So that's it folks, a wrap on a secular working life.

Now what?



  1. Yay! You did it! and what a very nice ending!

  2. Now what? Oh, you are going to love it. From what I see on your blog, you are creative, involved with your garden and have interests. If you have that, having the time to really explore it is such a wonderful gift. I retired early and the four years since then have truly been the best of my life in terms of exploring all I love and having the time to do it. I don't think you'll have any problem. Meanwhile, you'll hold wonderful memories of people with whom your shared that part of your life.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I am looking forward to doing all that you stated above.

  3. Wishing you a wonderful retirement, I cant wait to hear about all your adventures x

  4. Happy retirement! What a lovely send off. Look forward to sharing some adventures with you.

    1. It was a lovely send off, I did appreciated it.

  5. Now the FUN begins!!! Happy retirement. Steve retired in July 2016 and has loved every minute of it.

    1. Yes indeed, I know you have enjoyed your time in retirement as a couple.

  6. Congrats my dear friend. I am so happy for you, now you can relax and enjoy everyday.

    1. Yes that's it, time to relax and not have that constant drive of work. Thank you.

  7. Congratulations on retirement!

    Now, you can life your life, exactly as you choose. No more 9-5. Your days and nights, are yours.

    How delightful is that???????

    A 'Nana' in upper NE of the US

  8. Wishing you a wonderful and interesting retirement! What a wonderful send off
