Friday, May 25, 2018

My May Garden Wednesday 23rd May 2018


  1. You are much further ahead in blooming than we are here in Michigan. It's beautiful. I have a bush something like the one from your childhood but it still hasn't even a bud on it! I do lots of pots, too. Makes it much easier! the brick walkways make it nice for getting in to pick easily. I especially loved seeing your sweet kitty (Tootsie?) venture toward the pond. Does she drink from it? And I love how you said your oak was like an air conditioner. Perfect! Thank you so much for sharing it!

    1. Hi Jeanie, thank you for leaving a comment. My little tabby is named Tuppence, but we shorten that to Tuppy. She does like to drink out of the pond, along with the squirrels and birds. I do love pots interspersed throughout.

  2. I love the tour of your garden.

    Love your sweet kitty too. I see he loves the garden as much as you do.

    1. Hi Dee, Thank you for leaving a comment. Tuppy does love to be out walking the garden.

  3. Very nice to follow you along in your garden. Your sweet little kitty looks so content in your lovely garden. All of your plants look so lush and healthy. Thanks for letting me have a peek. ♥
