Monday, October 22, 2018

18th August Last Game of Billiards

Hi Dear Folk,

I've been back for two weeks and have been to the doctor's twice.  An infection where I needed antibiotics and then cellulitus on my leg, more antibiotics.  Then to add insult to injury I tripped over a box in the house and badly bruised my other leg on the shin, so now they both hurt, such is life.

On a happier note I enjoyed being in England when my BIL retired.  He has worked for fifty years at the same job as a butcher in a small town butcher's shop.  Who works fifty years at the same job?  I've never known anybody who has, from the age of fifteen.

Here are a few shots of a farewell game of billiards at their local pub, a 15th century building.

Lots of good sandwiches sausage rolls and a cake.

Trevor is very good at billiards.



  1. That's a perfect retirement do! Lovely old pub too.

  2. Nice looking pub, so traditional. Here's hoping he has a very happy retirement.
