Sunday, October 21, 2018

13th August 2018 A Visit with Cousin Esther

Hi Dear Folk,

On Monday, BB my sister and I went over to visit cousin Esther and her husband Chris.

Cousin Esther's house was built in the 1930's.  It was originally built as a private house, but the builder went bankrupt and the local council bought up the road of houses that they built, so it became a council house.  A house owned by the local government that was rented out, people lived in these houses their whole lives.  It made houses affordable for ones who couldn't afford to buy a house.

In the eighties Margaret Thatcher changed all this and decided to give people who rented these houses the opportunity to buy them, which might have been good for them.  In fact in London this year the first government council flat just sold for over one million pounds, that person certainly made out.  This however has led to a huge shortage of affordable housing in the UK.  There are other factors involved, but this has contributed.

Getting back to cousin Esher's house, they bought it back in the eighties, when the previous owner sold it off.  What is lovely about her house is that it has the longest back garden I have ever seen on a semi detached house.  I took this photo maybe half way down the back garden.

Housing is so expensive in the UK now, that their son is building a tiny home in the back garden.  There are restrictions on this, but you can see their little build on the left.

My cousin Esther and Chris, we must have been laughing about something.

I always love that door leading out to the back garden, so thirties.



  1. That's a beautiful green back garden. How wonderful that a small house can be built there and without intruding on the garden.
