Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Horrendous Humidity

Hi Dear Folk,

Remember I said I would probably have been an Edwardian intrepid explorer, let me refine that only in places with low humidity.  Tuesday was far worse than Monday and late afternoon I retired to my bedroom with the AC, couldn't take it outside any longer.

I went to Lowe's for the Danish Oil and breeze blocks.  I'm sure they used to have them in the garden section with the stone etc, but now it seems they're in the building section, possibly before they had them in both, in any case that meant walking from one end of the building to the other and then all the way back for the car and bring it round for the loader.  After this I got in the long drive through line at Wendy's and brought a peach milk shake, and very good they are too.

Poor cardinals, I think I know how they must feel building a nest right outside our bedroom window which now has the AC running all night.  It's like when you go to a camping site with your tent and you somehow seem to get a space right next to the RV who runs their generator day and night and never comes out.

Not so much done today, but yesterday was most productive.  Mr. B. and I stripped all the bed, washed all the linens right down to the dust ruffle, flipped the mattress and put it all back together.  I was happy that that job has been done.

Did I tell you about the letter we got from the UK, from the Metropolitan Parking Services.  It seemed that Rob stopped off at a McD at Stansted Airport, after having picked up their rental car up at Heathrow Airport, and were more than half way to my nephew's.  Well the parking at airports is atrocious and it seems that Stansted is notorious.  He probably just saw signs off the motorway for McD and it happened to be there.

He parked in the Southgate Park and walked over to McDonald's thinking it was their parking lot.  You would have one hour if it was.  Starbucks is nearby and also has their parking lot.  All this is under camera surveillance so heaven forbid, you should park in one lot but not patronize them by walking in their store.  Yes you can guess a 100 pound fine, that is a lot of money.  Not a thing you can do about it.

It seems that at Southgate he should have paid, he didn't realize, that it didn't belong to McD's  Can't possibly get in contact with a person, but they do tell you that your personal information will be kept on file for at least six years and if not longer.  So they must have got his hire car registration contacted them and get his personal information here in the States, if it's not just all on one open computer software network that they probably use.

These large corporations that run all these parking lots are such money grabbers.  Jean who was just over here said you can no longer buy a parking ticket and give it to someone if there is more time on it, because you have to punch in your car registration.

Rob's friend came over, movie night, he works at a florists and guess what he had for me, aren't they lovely?  I like how he had wrapped the large leaf around the stems in the vase, and in the bouquet they are folded over.

Look at the blush on this calla lily, exquisite.  Who doesn't like a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

These are photos of the day lilies in my garden.



  1. Yes, it has been horrid. It got to even you. Which makes it clear, that you are human. ,-))))))

    We are open, for a while, this morning. Soon as sun comes around, it will be close everything up and turn on a/c.

    But it was so nice, to hear some birds, for a while.

    A Wish for a Very Happy 4th of July,

    to all my fellow citizens!!!!

  2. Those guys should work for the FBI!

    Glorious flowers and yes, it's so hot and humid. Not complaining (much) but observing. (And only not complaining because when it was 15 below, I vowed not to.)

  3. I am envious of your beautiful flowers. Before you pay the parking fine do some research. Many of these fines are not enforceable and people have fought them and won. I think there is a discussion on Money saving expert. Or google illegal parking fines. Your day lilies are lovely and better than mine which I think is due to lack of water.

  4. Such a shame about the parking fine, may be worth fighting it. The flowers are stunning, such a beautiful arrangement.
