Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Glutton for Punishment or Mad Dog's An English Woman

Hi Dear Folk,

Yes I am a glutton for punishment or you could say mad dog's an English woman who goes out in the mid day sun.  Well you know how hot it has been here almost 100F and what am I doing?  Laying a patio, at least it was under the oak tree.

After my changes on the Oak Tree Patio, my circular glass table was just sitting on dirt and that didn't hold well with me, and I came up with the idea of disassembling the seats I made from the breeze blocks and laying them down as a patio.  Yes I know it's not a professional job but I'm pretty pleased with it.  It's quite stable.

I had these old louvre doors up against the garage, pulled them out and just placed them on the corners, just to see what they would look like.  I will clean them up, they are a bit of a mess at the moment and they need securing.

You have to step up so the whole patio sits just that much higher.

So while Mr. B. was out running around taking things to the thrift and shopping I was doing this.  Was all accomplished by the time he got back.  Sometimes you just have to get on with things, action! action!

I think I would have been one of those crazy intrepid Edwardian ladies who travelled to hot places.  Maybe!

Being higher when you are on the breeze block patio, it gives you a lovely view back across the garden.  The Boy said he liked that too.

So the rest of the day I was hunting around pulling in pots and planters.  Such as the old cast iron long planters that came with the house, I think they are great to define the edge.  They need holes drilled in them to drain the water.

My other idea is to use this piece of marble to make a bar/drinks top. I asked my boss for this when we closed up the old office.  It had been on a credenza way back and had sat in the closet for years, so he said I could have it, it's super heavy.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm going to go out and buy more breeze blocks to make two columns to place this on, then I can make it just the height I want on the edge of the patio and it won't cost that much.

The old brass chandelier did not sell in the yard sale so I have put that aside and hope to hang it over a branch of the oak tree, above the table.  I will need Mr. B. to help with that.  Wire it up and get it up there.

Late last night I took a drink out there, lit some lamps and candles and just sat and enjoyed all my hard work.  It felt good, just listening to a hot summers night.

How much have all my patio changes cost me?  Zero.  No, not quite true, I did buy a new base for the one umbrella.  $29.00.  Now I have no more resources because they've all gone.  But that's OK, you never know what will come along shopping in the trash.

Today is meant to be even hotter, think I may just go out buy those breeze blocks and get the Danish Oil and the paint I need to paint the garage door.



  1. I can't even contemplate, being out on one of these evenings. :-) Can't even contemplate it!! Wow, you are a tough lady!!!!! :-)

    Aside from the heat/humidity, don't you have all sorts of flying, biting insects????? The only nice ones, are the fireflies. But all the others, love me, and swarm me. I can not sit out.

    And I can not begin to imagine, all the work, in this dangerous weather. Come on! Please! After the heat wave, there will be more normal Summer days, to get that done.



    1. You are right. But the evening was lovely. I wouldn't even contemplate doing it today because the humidity is horrendous right now.

  2. Oh I love your new little patio. It looks perfect. Love the louvre doors as a screen and that marble top! That will make a fabulous bar.

    But, of course, you are a bit "mad" to have done this in all the heat, but I bet your evening was just lovely sitting out there. I think it would be a perfect spot in the a.m. for coffee and/or tea and late afternoon for cocktails, evening for reading/knitting/etc. Well done!!

    1. I love it out there and as you said early morning and late evening are the best. I am a bit mad too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well done! Yes everybody thinks I am mad too as I like this heat and walk happily about in it. We can't take the dog out though so it is lovely walking along the river in the evenings.Your patio is beautiful. Free stuff is the best!

  5. My goodness what an amazing job you have done, it all looks beautiful.

  6. It looks glorious but I hope you had an ice cold shower after! And wonderful it cost practically zero!
