Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Workless Wednesday

Hi Dear Folk,

Today dawned dull and overcast, somewhat cooler but is meant to be back up in the eighties by the weekend.  October 10th is almost always sunny, I just remember that day over the years because it is our anniversary, and it usually dawns a sunny day, so a good day to chose for a wedding in our neck of the woods.

We all had to make sure all water related jobs were done before 8:00AM as they are turning the water off all day for water main repairs, I thought why couldn't it have been a work day, never mind.  Numerous containers are filled with water to hold us over.  We take running water for granted.

Monday was a holiday off work for me, but yet again I had to go to the doctor, hardly slept all Sunday night.  Poor Mr. B. got up and made a hot water bottle to help with the pain.  So Monday my fourth trip to the family doctor in a month, where I was prescribed another lot of antibiotics.  I don't like taking antibiotics, but some infections are cleared up with nothing else.  I always try to take a probiotic tablet and eat probiotic yogurt because antibiotics can do a real number on your stomach.  So with two specialist visits on top that makes six visits to doctors in about a four week period. Let alone, blood tests, eye tests and X-ray. I forgot the dentist, two visits there a cleaning and a whole set of X-rays, one deep filling but no root canal needed and it's not twinging me at all as the last one did for three months then settled down.  I haven't been that often to the doctor in the last five years or more.

I'm happy to report on the fractured ankle that it is slowly getting better, but not there yet.  Still wearing the black boot.  My boss has been letting me take the earlier train home, 5.04PM instead of 5:46PM which I love.  Just until the boot comes off.

Our health insurance gets renewed in Nov each year and as always it's gone up yet again another $475.00 per year.  It's now at about $700.00 every four weeks, not every month, just for my husband and I, with all sorts of co-pays and de-ductables.  Growing up in UK I will never understand the mentality of US health care.  You have to work to have health insurance through an employer, but if you're really ill, how can you work?  The out of pocket bills for all of the above have not started coming in yet.  $25.00 up front every time you visit the family doctor and $40.00 up front for the specialist.  So although you have health insurance you are actually worried about even using it.  I know folk in the USA know all about this.  Eat your hearts out though gas/petrol is $2.67 per gallon.  OK done with the whinging.  I know my little problems are so minor compared with others.

Interesting read on health insurance and staying in a job just for that at Cold Antler Farm Oct 6th post, for some reason I can't link to that particular post.

So I'm off to see what I can do with a bag of windfall apples and pears that Mr. B. Picked up.

Have a lovely day.



  1. I hadn't realised the cost for your medical insurance wow that is quite high and then the up front payments must make it impossible for some families.

    1. That is correct and who knows what will happen next year with all the changes Trump wants to make, which seem to be more negatives than positives.

  2. We do take our NHS for granted. Even though it is not as good as it once was, it is still there totally free. Hope your visits come to an end soon. Glad you can get off work a bit early while the boot is on. I am dealing with apples too. Our weather has been quite wintry but is supposed to get up to 18c by Saturday and for the next week.
