Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Poured on Monday, Popped up Tuesday

Hi Dear Folk,

It never ceases to amaze me as to the fungi that pops up around the old roots of our chopped down ash tree.  It's always different fungi.

Monday it poured with rain all day and this had grown by Tuesday.

What was so amazing is that when you looked closely it was puffing out spores, like tiny dust clouds, but could not catch it with the camera.  Mr. B. said they are studying this expulsion factor.  How does it do that?  Maybe it can be copied.

Tuppy also popped up for a little sunbathing.

These appeared too.  So beautiful, such forms and colour.


1 comment:

  1. I am always a little wary of fungi despite its beauty, I am never sure if it is poisonous or not. Beautiful photos.
