Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The South Comes A Long Way North

Hi Dear Folk,

I passed this Civil War Memorial Sunday evening on the way back to my digs.  The American Civil War touched every family.  In fact my husband's family who were farming in Northern Vermont lost a relative Brandon, I think I'm right in saying that he died in The Battle of Appomattox.

The Mason Dixon Line which is considered the demarcation between the Northern States and the Souther States is between Pennsylvania and Maryland, so quite far north.  It's not just an arbitrary line on a map, but is a line in so much more, it's deep and it's hard to explain.  I view it as an outsider.

My AirBNB digs, a quarryman's house.  Note the big chunks of stone for the door steps.



  1. Those stone steps remind me of the ones at my grandparents' place in (southern) Vermont. Love them.

  2. The quarryman's house looks amazing, love those big stone steps.

  3. I watched a program discussing the Mason Dixon Line. I know it was interesting but can't remember the details. War is always a terrible thing. The airbnb looks good.
