Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Little Stressed

Hi Dear Folk,

Have been a little stressed recently in getting together all the pre-op paperwork required for the surgeon. This is my own fault, I had no idea so much was needed not just a formality visit with family doctor. I had to get EKG and blood-work.  The spanner in the works was the EKG which was taken at my family doctor and showed abnormal.  I told the doctor that my EKGs are always abnormal, but she had no record of previous EKGs as are purged after seven years.  She wrote me a referral for a cardiologist.

I went back home and trolled through all my medical records that went back to 2000 and found an old EKG and faxed that to her with a letter.  In fact I later found another EKG, all state abnormal.

That was last Wednesday, miraculously I was able to get an appointment for a cardiologist yesterday, Monday and he took another EKG and said he liked his better, but did not know what was really wrong with the first EKG.  So he cleared me for the operation.  It was all a storm in a teacup, but time is running out, surgery is next Monday.

I know why my family doctor did not want to clear me, the EKG read abnormal and she didn't want to take responsibility to sign off on that so sent me to the cardiologist.  He said OK I'll sign away my children on this.  It's all about legalities and what if something happened and who would that come back on.  Another $40.00 and another EKG and specialist doctor visit to be paid for and I hope the insurance picks all that up.

Now I have to worry about the blood-work getting back in time.  It should that was drawn last Thursday.  I know I will have to double check to make sure, all paperwork gets over in time.

Was able to check with my surgical coordinator and she stated that if blood test do not come through she will call Lab Corp and get them.  Sigh of relief.  Has almost all paperwork back from the insurance company for approval of the operation.  Also I find out that my coordinator goes to a congregation in NJ, all is good.



  1. Glad you are getting everything sorted. Hope all goes well. You need to relax so your blood pressure doesn't go up!!

  2. Thinking of you and praying that all goes well. Take care.

  3. Have been out of town and just catching up on some blog reading...wasn't aware you were having surgery. Best wishes for an easy time and a speedy recovery!

  4. Glad you are all cleared and ready to go.
