Friday, June 30, 2017

Bowman's Hill Wild Flower Preserve

Hi Dear Folk,

Bowman's Hill Wild Flower Preserve, is not far from New Hope, PA.  It certainly is worth a visit.  From us is a little less than an hours drive.  I went a couple of Wednesday ago with my friend Janice.  We had a wonderful day, taking a guided tour in the afternoon.  Her favourite woodland flower is Jack In The Pulpit  I remember as a child my dad's mum, had a whole dinner service with the Jack In The Pulpit pattern on them.

Just a mile up the road is the Bowman's Tavern and Restaurant.  We had asked our guide to recommend a local restaurant.  We both had Ruben's which I would recommend because they cure and smoke their own meat, it was delicious.  Would definitely go again, I think Mr. B. would like it.

After, we drove on down to New Hope and spent a little time there, finishing off with ice-creams.  I saw a beautiful inlaid necklace in a very modern style crafted by a Zuni crafts person, but the price tag was over $2,000, so I enjoyed looking and of course the guy tried it on me and I thought he would never take it off me, but that's their ploy, but no ploy would make me spend $2,000 on a necklace.

This is the preserve.  Next time we'll backpack a little picnic, or at least snacks.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

May In Retrospect

Hi Dear Folk,

Keeping up with life can be a game of catch up, trying to hold the memories down before they flit away.  So just remembering May.

Rob and Tierney

Mourning doves that chose the most silly places to nest.  She sat here through many a rain storm, while Mrs Robin was dry, warm and cozy under the eaves.

Pink tinted lily of the valley, my friend gave me some to plant in the garden.

Gifts from a friend, after a lovely day out at The Village Teahouse  They had a Titanic Dinner which I wanted to go to.  Six course meal, dressing in the style of the era, and roll playing.  Unfortunately the date clashed with other arrangements, so could not make it.  Do hope they do something else.

Totally addicted to this cinnamon tea with orange, it is the most deliciously sweet tea and I highly recommend it, I like it with milk.  It comes in teabags and loose tea and can be ordered on Amazon as everything else in the world can.  Maybe I'll ask for drone delivery.

The largest peppers I've ever seen.

Two fig trees given to me by a friend, one is now planted and the other one I want to buy a big ceramic pot for.

Dinner on the patio.

My May.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Friends 25th Anniversary Party

Hi Dear Folk,

We may just be up and running again.  Lots to catch up on, but this was last Saturday.  A 25th Wedding Anniversary Party that we were invited to.

On the invitation it said gowns.  We so seldom go anywhere where you really dress up, so I made the most of it.  With my busy work schedule I knew I could not leave everything to the last minute.

As I work in the city I thought let me wander over to Macy's and see what they have there in the way of a long dress.  I started a month before the event.  Nothing in my price range everything was super expensive.  So another week goes by and I thought let me go over again and have another look.  Well this time I found my way over to the very corner, which is called Final Act, everything is marked down and down again, and here I found a very pretty dress which suited me, lots of bling and beading across the top, with an overdress and lining, sheared front and back good for hiding all those sins.

Two weeks pass and I take it to the tailors to be hemmed, it was quite complicated with the shear over skirt and the way it draped up the front and the underskirt, and I did not want to tackle it.  My goodness the quote was $100, which was double what I paid for the dress and he was on a tight time schedule with all the proms going on this time of year.  I was not going to pay that.  Mr. B and I went tout suite, to our local Macy's at the mall and returned it.  Now the quest is on for another dress.  We found the Final Act section and after much routing and pulling I find a dress a size less than I usually take, but looked like it would fit.  When I tried it on I was super pleased, a nice classic.  No hemming because the front comes up and the back goes down into a train.  So this is what I got.  I just loved it, in fact I liked it even better.

Shoes found at the thrift, I think the pink shoes popped it, and jewelry from TJ Maxx.  Shawl found on Ebay.  Already had the bag.

Mr. B. routed out his tux and he was so happy that it fitted him and since it had been put away dry cleaned and the shirt too, he need to do nothing, brilliant.  His tux is over 25 years old, but they don't date

This captured A's sister, mum and dad so perfectly in a joyful moment.  In fact the whole party was joyful.

Mr B. and I with A and M

Family picture.

M and I and she looked lovely in her dress.

Good food, music, dancing and friends.  It was a very happy evening.


Thursday, June 8, 2017


Hi Dear folk,

You might ask where have I been, well I haven't been anywhere and somehow I didn't Blog for the whole month of May, that has not happened since I began blogging in 2008.  What happened to May?

Well one thing that happened is that my old PT Cruiser now has come to it's final resting place at Rossi's Salvage Yard, that was a bit of a shock after a fifteen year relationship, I was hoping and expecting it to continue on.  My commute now is very short, just to the railway station and back, but I still need a car for that and running around.  For a while Mr B. was dropping me off and Rob was picking me up, but that wears thin, so all out effort to buy another car.  After only having bought Mr. B. a new car about three months prior to this.  Which has definitely been a strain on the coffers.

In the end I got a 2013 Hyandai Sonata, quite a change for me after always having a hatchback car, but it does have a huge boot space.  Since I do a lot of very short runs the gas mileage isn't as good as I expected it to be, Hey-ho!  This is the US of A, not Europe our Gas/Petrol is only $2.70 per American Gallon, we're not big conservationists here.  I hope you realize I'm saying that with tongue in cheek.  I went for a little luxury in my old age, and since I keep my cars about fifteen years I will be old by then.

Ta-dah, my garden is under control, except for the pesky squirrels and rabbits who are continually digging in my pots and ate all my young broccoli plants, disappeared gone, nada!

Weather has been very gloomy and lots of rain.  I would like to see the sun, although I can put up with the cooler temps, because I hate to go straight from 60f to 90f.

No pics to post, well it's not that I don't have any photos because I do, but my MAC forced me, by not allowing me to access my laptop, to pay attention to some password on Keychain, to do with the Cloud, how dare they lock me out of my own computer.  So now a visit to the Apple Store was needed to sort that out, after a zillion passwords later I could now get back in, but surprise, surprise, I cannot download any photos, does not read from my camera connection, so I thought just put the photo card into a USB adapter which I went out and bought, it will not even read that.  Thus another trip to the Apple Store is planned, but this all takes time which is in short supply.

On the fun side, have been invited to a 25th Anniversary Party, attire gowns.  Since there are very few events that I am invited to that are really dressy I went out on a quest for a gown.  Hit all the thrift shops to no avail.  Did find a beauty at the hospital charity yard sale, which I did buy for $6.00 but unfortunately is too small, it is beautiful though and I think will put on Etsy or Ebay along with a very twenties dress that I found there too, lots of beads and glitz.

Will catch up more another day.

Take care and hope your June is good.
