Thursday, June 29, 2017

May In Retrospect

Hi Dear Folk,

Keeping up with life can be a game of catch up, trying to hold the memories down before they flit away.  So just remembering May.

Rob and Tierney

Mourning doves that chose the most silly places to nest.  She sat here through many a rain storm, while Mrs Robin was dry, warm and cozy under the eaves.

Pink tinted lily of the valley, my friend gave me some to plant in the garden.

Gifts from a friend, after a lovely day out at The Village Teahouse  They had a Titanic Dinner which I wanted to go to.  Six course meal, dressing in the style of the era, and roll playing.  Unfortunately the date clashed with other arrangements, so could not make it.  Do hope they do something else.

Totally addicted to this cinnamon tea with orange, it is the most deliciously sweet tea and I highly recommend it, I like it with milk.  It comes in teabags and loose tea and can be ordered on Amazon as everything else in the world can.  Maybe I'll ask for drone delivery.

The largest peppers I've ever seen.

Two fig trees given to me by a friend, one is now planted and the other one I want to buy a big ceramic pot for.

Dinner on the patio.

My May.



  1. Nice to remember all the everyday things that make us happy. I must try the tea as I love cinnamon. The Titanic dinner would have been fun.Why do some birds choose such stupid places to nest. We had a blackbird nesting in the passion flower about a foot off the ground and of course not safe from cats.

  2. Dinner on the patio sounds good. May was so much warmer than June has been here.

  3. Look at those sweet faces. Looks like May was wonderful.
