Thursday, June 8, 2017


Hi Dear folk,

You might ask where have I been, well I haven't been anywhere and somehow I didn't Blog for the whole month of May, that has not happened since I began blogging in 2008.  What happened to May?

Well one thing that happened is that my old PT Cruiser now has come to it's final resting place at Rossi's Salvage Yard, that was a bit of a shock after a fifteen year relationship, I was hoping and expecting it to continue on.  My commute now is very short, just to the railway station and back, but I still need a car for that and running around.  For a while Mr B. was dropping me off and Rob was picking me up, but that wears thin, so all out effort to buy another car.  After only having bought Mr. B. a new car about three months prior to this.  Which has definitely been a strain on the coffers.

In the end I got a 2013 Hyandai Sonata, quite a change for me after always having a hatchback car, but it does have a huge boot space.  Since I do a lot of very short runs the gas mileage isn't as good as I expected it to be, Hey-ho!  This is the US of A, not Europe our Gas/Petrol is only $2.70 per American Gallon, we're not big conservationists here.  I hope you realize I'm saying that with tongue in cheek.  I went for a little luxury in my old age, and since I keep my cars about fifteen years I will be old by then.

Ta-dah, my garden is under control, except for the pesky squirrels and rabbits who are continually digging in my pots and ate all my young broccoli plants, disappeared gone, nada!

Weather has been very gloomy and lots of rain.  I would like to see the sun, although I can put up with the cooler temps, because I hate to go straight from 60f to 90f.

No pics to post, well it's not that I don't have any photos because I do, but my MAC forced me, by not allowing me to access my laptop, to pay attention to some password on Keychain, to do with the Cloud, how dare they lock me out of my own computer.  So now a visit to the Apple Store was needed to sort that out, after a zillion passwords later I could now get back in, but surprise, surprise, I cannot download any photos, does not read from my camera connection, so I thought just put the photo card into a USB adapter which I went out and bought, it will not even read that.  Thus another trip to the Apple Store is planned, but this all takes time which is in short supply.

On the fun side, have been invited to a 25th Anniversary Party, attire gowns.  Since there are very few events that I am invited to that are really dressy I went out on a quest for a gown.  Hit all the thrift shops to no avail.  Did find a beauty at the hospital charity yard sale, which I did buy for $6.00 but unfortunately is too small, it is beautiful though and I think will put on Etsy or Ebay along with a very twenties dress that I found there too, lots of beads and glitz.

Will catch up more another day.

Take care and hope your June is good.



  1. Shame that the dress was too small, sounds amazing.

  2. Glad you got your car ok. Our petrol is over £5 per British Gallon but thankfully I don't do much mileage now. Hope you get your photo posting sorted. Just had a problem with my tablet and even the experts didn't know what to do but it suddenly righted itself. It will be fun to dress up for the party so hope you find a beautiful dress soon and look forward to pictures.
