Wednesday, April 5, 2017

It's a Glorious Day

Hi Dear Folk,

I woke up to a glorious sunny day for my first Wednesday off work.  Even the doves were cooing. I started off with a cup of tea and a commune with Tuppy, not quite at her ease as she watching my camera strap.  The Boy says I should treat myself to a new camera, as mine is over eight years old and technology changes so much in eight years.  I have had my eye on a mirror less camera, they have come down in price since they were first released.  We'll see.

Tuppy took a double take when she came back into the bedroom after her breakfast because she was not expecting anyone to be there, it was the funniest look.  You're not meant to be here, how do they know so much?

My dressing table which I moved down the wall a bit to accommodate the clothes rack.

My new jewelry box a gift from Rob, which he bought at a little antique shop in Toronto.  It was a lovely surprise.

The girls, mum, grandma and great grandmas.

Bottom left a little card from Rob, before he could write.

The old clothes rack I tried to describe, a bit hidden by cloths and topped with a German hat I found at the thrift.  More sorting is needed in my bedroom, but it's getting there.

The desk that used to sit in the corner of my bedroom, is now in the upstairs hallway.  It houses all my poetry books, journals and other things.  I'm pretty happy with it here, even though it sits in front of the window.  Before I put it there, I cleaned all the window and blind.

The boys still have one of their many stereo speakers sitting in the hallway, you can just see it.

Originally on the weekend I had the desk sitting where the hope chest is now, but I decided to rearrange that today.  Rob said did you do that on your own mum?  Yes I did.  I think it looks nicer on the longer wall, also another factor is we need to get into the attic, with the drop down ladder and having to move the desk with all those books in, every time, was going to be a big pain.  The hope chest will be much easier to move.

So what did I do today.  Well I took a load of bound volumes up to the attic which would have been a much easier job with two people, one to hand the books up and one to stack, but since I was on my own I was up and down that ladder a million times.  Then I took a load of books from downstairs and put them in the newly emptied shelves in Rob's room, and of course dusting and cleaning as I went along.  Oiled the hope chest and vacuumed all the cobwebs out of the corners.

This emptied up a cupboard in my Simla room, where I was able to arrange my overflow of books.

Each shelve is a subject, knitting and crochet on the top shelf, sewing and needlework on the second down, journal keeping and beading on the third and on the bottom books I did not know what to do with.  I did want to sort largest to smallest, but by then was too tired to bother.  Still more to sort in this room but it's coming along.

So I'm just about to sit down for a sandwich for dinner, and The Boy says "I need your help mum."  Now last night I helped him take the drivers side window out of his car and tonight I helped him put it back in, something needed to be adjusted.  He left it out all last night, but tonight a very bad storm is meant to be rolling in from the south, lots of rain, winds and flooding, fun, fun.

Now I have thoroughly bored you with my spring cleaning, but this is exciting stuff for me, things I've wanted to get to for ages in the house, but when you work full time, you don't have the time or energy to get things like this done.  Even my gammy knee did not stop me.

Will I be able to get up for work tomorrow?


1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed your day and well done. Yes I get excited too when I have finally accomplished sorting and cleaning. It is such a lovely satisfying feeling.
