Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Four Day Week!!!

Hi Dear Folk,

This is my first four day week, cannot say how excited I am to have one day off mid week from work, yes a Wednesday.  Two days at work one day off two days at work, two days off.  Except I worked my little snickers off today just keeping up with my work so not too much was left over, oh my!

I actually started last Sunday on my Spring Cleaning, sadly neglected for many a spring.  Most of my ideas are rearranging things, sorting and de-cluttering.  Lots is going to the attic, is that a cop out?  I moved my little desk from the corner of my bedroom to the upstairs hallway. In my bedroom, I took all my bags of the 1940s coat rack which opens up.  It was Bob's parents, it is wood, has two sides and a hinge that when the two sides are pushed together is hidden, but can be opened up, as a bar to hang much more on.  When I used it for my bags I had it closed up, but now I have opened it up and have all my tops hanging on it in the corner of my bedroom where the desk stood.  I would love to come across another rack like that, but never have.  The only problem is what to do with all those bags, although I did send about 25% to the thrift.  Old houses have no closet space.

The Boy and his father are working in the basement on building two sub woofers, they tell me that the giant one standing in front of one of my closets will be sold, and replaced with two, each of which will fit in the two closets that Rob has in his room.  Therefore things that have not seen the light of day for about three years will now be unearthed, old fur coats, clothes and more bags which I know are in there and obviously if I have not needed for three years, do I really need them?  Looks like a vintage lot for Etsy.



  1. That's wonderful! It will make such a difference....you'll see!

  2. What is it about bags? Everyone I know has so many. I did have a sort out this winter but still have plenty. We cleared the loft completely when it had new insulation and I now refuse to have anything in it as once there it is never used again.
