Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wakulla Springs The Lodge

This is the Lodge at Wakulla Springs, you can read about some of the history here

Built in 1937 by financier Edward Ball, I love the Art Deco Spanish Style architecture, it seems he fell in love with the Springs here and who wouldn't.  One's own private playground.  How nice it is that is was bought by the State and is now open to the public to enjoy.

With my Boy.  I must say he is great company and a joy to be with. Of course that's a mum saying that, but he is.  Two weeks together, no AC while travelling and just me and my boy, that will test any relationship, and our's stood the test, I will not say we did not have our moments, few and far between though.

Looking up to the back of the Lodge.

I think there is a Spanish/Moorish influence going on here.

The painted ceilings here are a combination of European folk art, intricate Arabic scroll work and Native American influences.  The wood is heart cypress, that has been immersed 50 years or longer in water and is impervious to rot, which can be a big problem in Florida.

This is meant to be the world's longest known marble bar, at 70 feet 3 inches long.  It was all cut to have a repeating matching grain pattern.

After our boat ride we decided to take a look in at the little bar restaurant and they had pulled pork on the menu at a very reasonable price, so after seeing Rob's sandwich, I was going to abstain, I decided to get one.  They were very good.

It seems that you can rent these facilities and stay at the hotel for weddings etc.

Love these art Deco touches on the staircase.

I rather liked the bathroom, with very short stall walls.  What about those sinks and the wall?


P.S.  You may have noticed that I have been changing my banner to correlate with my posts, where I can.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place. I love art deco. It's great mum and son get on well.
