Friday, July 26, 2013

St. Joseph's Peninsula at Night

If you have ever camped you know that getting a nice pitch is part of the whole experience.  All our campsites had to be reserved ahead of time through Reserve America, so you take your chances.  Although now with the Internet you can see plan layouts and you can on quite a few see a photo of the actual site, still this can be misleading.  But here on St Joseph's we said Wow!  we think we have one of the best sites on the camp.  All we had to do was walk across the road, and onto the wooden walkways over the dunes to the beach.

These are the wooden walkways, to preserve the dune and stop people from walking all over the dunes.

After setting up camp which in the VW Camper is a cinch, one of the things we did love about it.  We were eager to walk to the beach, which is on the Gulf.  St Joe's is a peninsula with the bay one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other.

You can only describe the sand here as the difference between granulated sugar and powdered sugar, it is that fine, I don't think I've ever trodden on sand so fine.  Just gorgeous.

I always like the West coast facing for the Seaside.  Living on the Eastern seaboard we only ever see the sun rise over the ocean and set over the bays, but Florida gets the best of both worlds, rising and setting sun, having both an East and West coast.  But my favourite is to see the sun set over the ocean, as we do here.

I think I read that St Joe's has some of the highest Dunes in the country.

Rob trying to catch the sound of the surf.  

These are Rob's night time photos.  It seems that he was woken by the Noseeums, which is No See Them, bugs that can actually get through the screen mesh and bite you and Rob being on the top bunk where all the mesh screens were was being eaten alive, so could not sleep, went out and took these wonderful night time photos.  I hope you can see them clearly, they show up well on the iPad.

A car went by just as he took this photo and lit up the trees.  The night time sky is wonderful, no light pollution hardly, what glory.

Isaiah 40:26

"Raise your eyes high up and see.  who has created these things?  It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.  due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.


This was early in our trip but did turn out to be our favourite camp site location, I would go back here for a longer stay in a heart beat.


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place and great pictures. Yes we used to love our camper van. So easy.
