Friday, September 28, 2012

Grandma and Great Uncles

Hello everyone,  the weekend is here, thank goodness.  Pretty tough week at work, I think my brain is fried.

I made a copy of this happy snap shot in time.  A family wedding, my great uncle Harry, behind him great uncle Alf and my grandma Kitty far right.  Elsie is Harry's wife but I don't know anyone else in the photo, probably on Elsie's side of the family or friends.  I'm not quite  sure when he got married, but I'd say somewhere around 1925.  This is my mum's mum.

My grandma grew up in London, living at Golders Green, great grandad was a detective in the Metropolitan Police, being a policeman he retired quite early and moved to the country, not sure if that was really best for the family, because London offered so much as opposed to the country.

Before moving down to the country grandma had learned how to be a milliner and she very well may have made her hat.  She made me a hat, when I was a teenager and showed me how to do it. I wish I still had it, how to cut it, shape it and even wire it if need be.

My gran was very artistic and all her letters would have little sketches, somewhat like Beatrix Potter.  She would write short stories accompanied with water color paintings or drawings, I still have some of her journals of stories and pictures.

Lil Bit Brit


  1. As soon as I saw this photo I felt sure the person on the right was related to you as you are the spitting image of your grandma. Probably where you get your artistic leanings as well. What a wonderful picture to have.

  2. Your grandmother sounds like such an interesting and creative woman! I'd love to see some of the drawings and journals, if you ever wanted to share them online.

    The people in that photograph look so relaxed together, as if they really got along well (except for the woman second from the right at the back!).
