Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brits Love Bouquets

Flowers in my sister's town.

Flowers in my cousin's town.

British people love their flowers and gardens and I found the summer displays of flowers in so many of the towns and villages I visited quite a delight.  I asked my cousin if they were just for the celebrations this year, but she said no every summer the flowers in town are like this.

I usually visit in Spring time, I don't think I've been in Britain in August for positively decades, so it was a different prospective, they are a joy to behold.

I have many photos from my first visit to the UK this year, let alone my second visit, still there is all winter to catch up with posts on some of these.  If I'm not boring you all.  I do hope not.

May your weekend be good. Filled with family and friends.



  1. The flowers are so beautiful. Sadly many councils, including ours, are cutting back on gardeners and opting for low maintenance shrubs.

  2. Not that we have as pretty ones here but I have noticed in recent years gas stations and malls putting in flowers and it is lovely.

    Germany also has lots of flowers.
    What a difference it makes!
