Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Update On What's Flowering In The Garden

Yellow iris both inside and outside of the pond

My climbing hydrangea



More peonies
I always think that this is one of the loveliest times of year in the garden, everything is still fresh and a lot of the perennials are flowering.  The fern is still lovely and green, the lawn isn't dried up from the scorching heat of the summer and my roses are blooming.  My vege garden is still growing in neat rows and hasn't run riot yet.

My climbing hydrangea lived for many years under the oak tree but it didn't flourish, a few years ago I moved it and yes it tells me it's very happy in it's new location climbing up the pergola.  There's something about the overall shape that reminds me of Japan, don't ask me why.

Thinking about shapes, I just love the shapes of trees against the sky.  When you think of Tuscany you think of Lombardi poplars on the skyline.  When I think of England there I see those wonderful squat English oaks, in Robin Hood style forests and in France are those avenues of trees, don't know what they are, Australia eucalyptus trees tinkling in the breeze, one could go on.



  1. It looks lovely. Spring has finally arrived here as well and all is green and fresh after a month of rain.

  2. I agree with you : may and june are the best months for the garden (at least for mine).
    Your rhodo is amazing, very beautiful.

  3. I love May and June the best too. Your garden is beautiful! Peonies are one of my favourite flowers.

  4. Oh Christy your gardens are LOVELY! I know what you mean about the climbing Hydrangea...I think it's the way the flowers layout the Japanese paintings! I hope my Rhododendron looks as beautiful as yours one day and as large. I don't think it likes our soil but it's holding on and has grown so I suppose that's a sign of hope. It's already hot and dry here in Kansas but so far so good...nothing has died yet. I keep hoping we'll have a normal spring and summer with normal amounts of rainfall...maybe next year ;) Enjoy your gardens and your celebration planning. Maura :)
