Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kitchen Rose Garden

These lilac coloured roses are an old fashioned rose and smell beautiful

The red and orange rose is a climber and called Jacob's coat

The trellis above was from Ikea years ago and then I had the idea of attaching it to some bamboo.  We collected the bamboo from someones yard they were cutting it all down.  It's great for staking the vegetables and has other uses too.

I transplanted two roses to the above garden and they are doing well because of all the rain.  I also transplanted two clematis to this garden that I previously had growing in giant galvanized pots from Ikea.

I put the trellis here to separate the flower garden from the vege garden and I like the look.

Every year these wild yellow flowers come up here, I leave them to flower and then pull them out.  I think they look nice.

Every year I try and add a couple of perennials, some take and some don't.  I love foxgloves, but never have had success with them.  I also like lupines have not had success with those either.  The columbine are easy to grow, keep spreading and come back every year.

Well that's my ever changing kitchen garden.


1 comment:

  1. Your side garden is lovely ...very English looking :) I bet the roses smell wonderful. I love that reminds me of a leaded glass window. I haven't had any success with Lupines here in Kansas or Foxgloves but I'd like to try again now that we're here on the farm. Maybe they'll like the dirt here better...who knows. In British Columbia I used to grow them along with delphiniums (my favorite) and they grew beautifully! Oh well I'll just have to discover what grows here and what looks like a plant you'd find in an English garden. I don't know if I'll ever really get the look because it is so hot and dry here...and windy but I'll try my best. Anyway your gardens look wonderful.
