Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday, A Day Spent With Candyce

Candyce and I spent the whole day together, it was great, just chatting having lunch and doing girl things.

Candyce with her son Joe.  Plus the lovely cards, which are in very sixties colours of pinks and oranges, with bright orange envelopes, the intricate stamp and sweet glass heart she gave me.

Then after we had a great lunch at Panero's, we had a Mediterranean sandwich, soup, coffee and desserts, yummy, we decided to go thrifting.  

These were my finds.  A set of four dinner and four side plates from Langley which is Denby, a gift from Candyce. I brought them home and Rob, Rob thought they were great.  An old Wedgwood plate which on a little research turned out to be from the Ivanhoe collection and this plate was probably dated late 1800's,.  I loved all the little wild animals around the edge, it's a blue transfer ware plate.  Plus a brass plant pot, made in India, sold through a company that specifically supplies upscale museum shops.  Now I have to clean it.

So a haul of shared friendship to bunch up and hold and goodies too.


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