Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hedge Down, Fence Up and a New Hummingbird Feeder

The hedge has been ripped out and the ground pounded to put in the posts.  We agonized over which fencing to get.  There's lots of beautiful fencing, but not what one can afford.  We thought about lattice but that would need all channel edgings, and the lattice was not too strong. We also thought about a privacy fence, but we thought that would be too enclosing.  So we decided on the six foot Gothic posts, and the four foot dog ear fencing. 

Bob worked on putting the post footers in.  He bought them on the internet, they are galvanized steel and once pounded into the ground the posts are slotted in and screwed into place.  Bob put a plumb line in to get everything straight and level.

Last Sunday Bob and I put the fence up.  A job well done.

If in the future we want privacy fencing up, we thought we might just add that roll out bamboo fencing.  We would only consider doing that if there was a change of neighbour, as we like George.

I may string some lanterns up, or some lights.  It all looks so much tidier with the fencing up.

As you can see I have also got my vegetable garden planted. 

My hummingbird feeder is up, a friend gave it to me.  Bo already saw a hummingbird at the feeder.  Plus the little dear moved onto my columbines.  I am so happy and will keep the sugar water in there.  I thought it might not come so close to the house by the kitchen window, but I was wrong.



  1. The fence looks very professional! How wonderful to have hummingbirds outside one's kitchen window.

  2. Garden talk may be out of season, but it's always the right time to dream and to think things through, isn't it?vinyl coated chain link fence
