Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pink Moon April 8th 2020

Hi Dear Folk,

Was able to get out and take this shot of the Pink Moon last night, as it rises past my she shed,  deux portes Francaises looking through my oak tree.

Super Pink Moon, the biggest and brightest of 2020, this full moon appears larger and brighter than usual because the moon was at perigee, or the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit.

I got outside for a bit today in the sun, crocheting and listening to a Tea and Tattle podcast, then the wind came up dark clouds came over rain and hail fell.  It is still windy now,  it's more like March in April.

I have a book that if a word, a phrase a thought, anything of interest I jot down in there.  One that caught my eye today was "No society can function unless people follow the rules."

Take care,


  1. Great quote and also beautiful pic of the moon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I missed it. But I have seen lovely pictures of it on the internet! You are lucky to have seen it!

  3. I always hear Nick Drake's voice when I read "pink moon". Very cold wind here, too. Our sheep have been sheared and it is just too cold for them to be outdoors.
