Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 28 of Social Distancing

Hi Dear Folk,

I was watching a movie, they're driving along Route 66 and stop off at a Diner and order a cheese burger and fries.  Who would have thought that just such a simple picture would conjure up such longing.  The thought of ones big escape and the simplicity of just eating at a Diner, yes we all took that for granted, who could have pictured this day, except for on a movie.  All the brave health workers and volunteers brings a tear to your eye.  I hope they get all the protective gear they need.

I made some face masks the other day and will make some more.  You are meant to have at least two one in the wash and one out.  I posted my pictures on Instagram and have linked the video below for the pattern that I used.  I had rather a thick fabric so I hand sewed the side pleats in.  Used a coffee filter in the pocket and folded up foil for the nose piece, which works well.  Mr. B. tried it out today and he says he can hardly breath in it, so I guess it is not porous, which is what you want.

Going back to my love of words.  The word Influenza sounds like the word Influence, and is from the Italian, where it derived from the Medieval Latin word influentia.  People attributed the disease to the influence of the stars.

With all this time at home I want to increase my skills.  One is I want to relearn knitting, as you know I crochet and absolutely love it, but have thought that I would love to learn to knit.  The way I was taught was the English way of knitting, but since I've got to relearn, I am going to train my fingers to knit the Continental way, which I think will be easier for me, as I already hold my yarn for crochet on my left index finger and I've heard it's quicker, not that that's a problem with all the time we have on our hands.

The other thing I want to master is my camera.  I do have a really nice one Mr. B. treated me to a Sony 6000 mirrorless, which even my son has taken on some jobs he's shot.  The thing is you are not using it to its full potential if you don't spend the time to learn how to use it.  Also since I got my iPhone I've become rather lazy camera wise and I never was before.

So two things I'm going to work on.  Plus I have several crochet projects on the go.  Two shawls in different colour yarns and a capelet pattern I want to try.  Plus my UFO (unfinished object) or PHD (projects half done) a felted hat I never finished from last winter, that's on the back burner though.  Also have a crochet bag I've finished and need to line.

I am going to post the video on how to breath if you catch the Covid-19 virus, comes from Queen's Hospital, Romford, UK.  You never know you may need it and it could help save your life.  J.K. Rowling used this technique and it helped her.

Keep well.



  1. I to, am trying to pass the time away constructively and have enrolled and indeed started a creative writing course. Crafting is always a good way to pass time and I always have several projects on the go. I would like to improve my photography skills I would be interested to know if you manage to find a course. Take care and stay safe.

  2. I have several projects I want to start but haven't had time yet! I made a mask but was in two minds as there is so much controversial advice. I have used masks when I was working but we were taught how to use them and they were thrown away after each person we saw. Anyway like Mr B it affected my breathing so I became dizzy so that solved that one. I look forward to seeing pictures of your projects.

  3. How lucky to have so many masks and know how to sew them. I will look forward to that breathing video.

  4. The scene from the film you opened this post up - resonated deeply with me! How I miss those little ordinary things. We are currently on a complete lockdown this weekend - had to stay inside for 48 hours - during the week, curfew starts at 4p.m and ends at 5 a.m. Everybody is going slightly mad, but hopefully we'll be able to make the virus subside. And I would love to see that video how to breath if with the virus! Maybe you didn't know, but I started knitting first and the minute I learnt how to crochet I ditched it - crochet is so much faster for me. At this point, I don't think I will ever return to it :)
