Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ground Was Broke On My New Shed

Hi Dear Folk,

I've been working away in the garden, clearing up after winter and getting this area ready for my shed build. Today dawned cold, bright and sunny a good day to start to lay the foundation for my shed.  It's an exciting time to see things come to fruition.

Yesterday we pulled down out of the garage rafters, two sets of old French screen doors that I have, original to this house, so almost a hundred years old.  It was a dirty job, as the mice had nested on the top of them and made a right mess.  We also got down the three circular columns.  I will have to give the doors a good clean.  They have glass panels that clip in and out, and in the summer you can take them out and put in screens, all wood.  We took them off the house when we made the porch into a sun room.

This is the area we are going to put the shed.  We had to take some of the slab patio up and move everything.  Plus dig out a huge forsythia bush, it took Mr. B. three hours to dig it out.

I took some of the slabs and laid them down the side of the garage.

I love this time of year because everything is fresh and bright green.

Here's the base floor, walls will go up tomorrow.

On the garden end to the left of the above photo we will add a deck porch, using two of the columns.  I bought two brand new windows at Habitat for Humanity.

I cleaned an old chandelier to put inside and I also bought a ceiling fan at Habitat for the porch.

It's something I've wanted for a long while.  My own personal space at the bottom of the garden, under the oak tree.



  1. Best selection i m really impress with your content and very useful it.welcomebestreview

  2. Sounds as though it's going to be wonderful.

  3. Can't wait to see the shed AND your new private spot. Sounds lovely!

  4. Wow - it sounds fantastic! It's lovely to see it coming together. I'd love something like that, if only it was a little warmer here lol

  5. Its getting exciting. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  6. Congratulations! That will be so nice for you!
