Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 Thoughts To Live By, Things To Do

I've been jotting down thoughts I want to keep in mind and things I want to do in 2019

  • Live the moment, Live the day, Live your life
  • Joy is not dependent on your circumstances
  • Perfectionism is the death of creativity
  • Seize the moment, find your inspiration
  • Random acts of kindness
  • Write letters
  • Use fountain pens every day
  • Read more


  1. Love your list, especially the fountain pens. You get much satisfaction from your great pens.
    Nothing about more travels though.
    You had such a fantastic cruise. I'm sure we'll see more travelogues from you!!

    1. You are right I do love my fountain pens and when they work properly they are wonderful. I do love to travel but don't have plans ahead at the moment.

  2. Replies
    1. Always fun to think about goals and work towards them.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Meredith. I did think about them for a while.

  4. Nice, happy goals for the year ahead.

    1. Goals are important, I am rather of a goal oriented person. As you said happy goals.

  5. Happy New Year! These are all wonderful to keep in mind.

    1. Will work on it throughout the year. Thank you for your comment and wishes.

  6. Sounds like a great list to follow. Mine is to be more loving and charitable to others and to myself. My husband is always telling me that I take care of everyone before caring for myself. I think that is the case of most women. So, this year I plan on eating healthier, exercising more sensibly, wearing sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses when I'm outside working. If I can keep those up for the year, I'll be doing good :)
    Check your email to read the answer to your Barn question.
    Happy New Year,
    Connie :)

    1. They do sound like good goals. I'm keeping mine simple. Thank you for the information. Happy Year.

  7. Christy, I so enjoyed exploring your blog today. The tea pictures from the last post are so lovely, I imagine you and your friend had a wonderful visit. I enjoy writing letters, too, and just started with a fountain pen. Great goals for 2019! Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you Karen for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

  8. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

  9. Hi Christy, thanks for visiting my blog today, nice to meet you! Have a great new year, all the best, Valerie
