Friday, December 28, 2018

Linen Closet Door Latch and All For Love, Tasha Tudor

Hi Dear Folk,

Yet another day of rain.  This year in Pennsylvania all rain records have been broken.  I heard that this is what we should expect here as we fall into the pattern of global warming.

Mr. B. brought up a cup of tea for me and I had the luxury to read poetry in bed. Yes read poetry in bed I recommend it in the early hours of the morning. Tasha Tudor's 'All For Love.'  I have had this book for a long while and revisit it every so often.   It is a delightful book filled with her renowned illustrations.  In my upstairs hallway I have a bookcase mostly filled with poetry books.

'All For Love" is a collection of love poetry and quotes from books, plus love songs and the music.  Her thoughts on what the family made for Valentine's Day, all these little hand written cards and letters for the dolls and teddy bears, plus the card board box post office and other hand made items is delightful.

It made me think back to my child hood and a homemade theatre that I made out of a box and covered with old wallpaper.  It even had stage lights, tiny bulbs connected to a battery in a sardine tin, can't quite remember how that worked.  Also stage curtains.  The characters went in and out on sticks from the wings.  We would make up plays, my friend and I and perform them.

Mr. B. repaired something that has long been a bain, he repaired the latch on my linen closet door.  I have not been able to close it for a long while.  Ever since The Boy, who tends to try and open doors without turning the handle, had broken it.  He had to go to Lowe's and get a new door lock mechanism, and a lot of it you land up not using.  I'm left with two glass door knobs that I will have to think what to do with, because they are quite lovely.

I cannot tell you what a joy it is to walk past that door and not see it sitting ajar.  One more little job knocked off the list.  I don't think husband's have any idea how such little jobs when left undone bug us wives to distraction and when done bring such joy, of something completed.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Not so much rain here but lots of dull days. ImI not familiar with Tasha Tudor butlove poetry so will look her up. I know what you mean about the little jobs. I have plenty here.

  2. Tasha Tudor is so dear. A happy new year to you, Christine.
