Tuesday, December 25, 2018

19th September 2018 Sardine Canning Museum, Stavanger

Hi Dear Folk,

In America you do not grow up eating sardines, but I did in England.  I liked the ones in a tomato sauce, rather than in oil.  We ate them mashed on toast or even in a sandwich.  I remember the wonderful labels on the sardine cans.  Beautiful little vignette pictures of places it seemed all around the globe.

Walmart sells a King Oscar Norwegian sardine, with just such labels, I must get a can to relive my trip.  I have not had sardines on toast for a long while.

The Sardine Cannery Museum is right in the middle of old town Stavanger, it was a working community, now gentrified.

I bought a yellow sou'wester hat, which has flaps that cover your ears.  Now I need a blustery rainy day and I will be totally ready for it.

Here is an old photo of Stavanger harbour area.

Walking back from the sardine cannery to the ship.  You can see I am carrying my yellow sou'wester and the sun is out, mack off.



  1. Oh what a great post. I love sardines in tomato sauce too. My father and Iused to enjoy them on toast but my mother couldn't stand them. Hard to find here. Most places just have the sardines in oil.
    Merry xmas to you Christine and all your family!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment. Appreciate your wishes for my family. Love and family are important spending time together, my thoughts are with your happy family.

  2. What a brilliant museum. I eat lots of sardines as they are cheap and healthy. Sardines on toast are good but so is sardine souffle or sardine with couscous.
