Friday, November 16, 2018

Meltdown, Netflix Movies, the African Doctor and Scent.

Hi Dear Folk,

Hope your day is good.

Above photo taken at Longwood Gardens.

Today is the day after the snow storm and I think we got more than they said, but it's gradually melting away.

I feel I am being harassed by spam phone calls, my phone rings more at home than it ever did at work, about every fifteen minutes for at least twelve hours of the day.  I heard there was meant to be a new law in PA to address this, I do hope so, because it's causing stress.

Another thing causing stress is the very thing that's meant to help us, is sorting out what health care plan we will get for next year and what we can afford, great stress there.  I said to my friend just sorting this out is causing me to have stress related physical symptoms.

On a lighter note a couple of movies I watched on Netflix this week and would recommend are "The African Doctor" a French movie, so you have to be alright reading the text, which for me stifles my creativity, because I can't crochet and read subtitles, but you don't mind on a good film.

It's set in the early seventies about a doctor and his family from Zaire, who settle in a little out of the way French village in Picardy I think, where they have never seen a black person, or culture, or music.  It's based on true events and is a light, endearing fun movie.  Especially when the visiting family who live in Belgium, come over Christmas and start to sing Silent Night in the church.

I also like it because he drives the exact same car I had, my first car a white Citroen with red cloth seats, mine was in much better condition.  That car was so comfortable and had wonderful suspension.  So you have to watch the movie just to see my old car, it's a classic.

The other movie I watched on Netflix is "Scent" a documentary style movie.  About what is in the products we use, from cleaners to expensive perfumes, anywhere it says fragrance.  What is covered on the list of ingredients under the word "Fragrance?"  This covers a cocktail of chemicals which companies do not have to disclose.  The very fact that over 1,000 of these chemicals are banned from use in the EEC and only 10 are banned from use in the USA, should raise course for concern.  What are the long term residual effects of just a little bit?

Now must settle down to some writing, I'm feeling antsy, do you get like that?  Just can't settle down to what you should get done.  Have a great weekend.



  1. Hi Christine. I love that movies you picked on Netflix. They sound like some good movies to curl up on a snow filled day and watch. Telemarketers are so obnoxious. I hope they do something soon to block them from calling. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I hope you manage to stop these phone calls, they must be really annoying.

  3. I know what you mean about feeling antsy. I have art sale this weekend, a wreath-making workshop, a greens market and baby grand visit in the offing and I just want to nest! The snow doesn't help. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. The phone calls are a nuisance. I registered with the TPS which is supposed to stop cold callers but it doesn't seem to work although I don't usually get more than one or two a day at the most. I seem to remember your car from way back. Hope you feel more settled soon. The films sound good.

  5. Thanks for the program recommendations - both sound great. We are watching "Salt, Acid, Fat & Heat" (or something like that - I may have the order of words mixed up - a 4 part cooking documentary which we are really enjoying (on Netflix).
