Monday, October 8, 2018

8th August 2018 Getting Back Into The Swing of Things.

Hi Dear Folk,

Well I'm back!  It seems that I have taken a two month sabbatical from Blogging and that Instagram became the platform of choice, and even that was sketchy, so hope you were able to follow me there. No excuses just sometimes you need a break, which makes it all the more fun to come back to.

My flight over was good, took my chances on seating in the upgraded category I was in, did not want to pay the additional $65 to have assigned seating and even though they said you could get in 24 hours ahead of time to do so, you could not.  I even phoned BA and it was locked down, so had to wait until I got to the airport.  I had an aisle seat at the back, not too bad, but not the best.  It was definitely worth upgrading that little bit as was allowed a second suitcase and there is more leg room, little nicer seats, but only maybe a tad wider.  I had a direct flight from Philly to Heathrow.

Sitting at the back of the section meant that by the time they got to me they had run out of meal selections and there was only one choice so went with that.  I will make this comment now that the food going from the States to England is not as good as the food on BA going from England to the States.  My flight home was so much better.

After retrieving all my baggage I walked over to get a ticket for the National Express Bus to Cambridge.  Fortunately after waiting about an hour, I was able to get on the next bus that came along, although I was told it possibly would be full.

The whole trip was a little crazy because they had a smaller than normal replacement bus, which when we got to other stops they made some people get off to wait for another bus to Stansted Airport,  it was very unorganized and confusing.  It took three and a half hours to get to Cambridge, which was ridiculous, should only take two hours.

After getting to Cambridge I had to walk with all my luggage from there to the local bus terminal, my one redeeming factor was that did not have to wait too long for the local bus to Haverhill and also the bus had free Wifi so was able to phone my sis via the Internet and she arranged for some friends to meet me in town with all my luggage, thank goodness.  I think after arriving at about 7:00AM I got to my sister's about 2:00PM.

That was on a Monday.  Tuesday I walked down town to have a look around and Wednesday we BB, Trev and I went over to Petals Tea Room.

I caught the tail end of the heat wave that England and most of Europe had for the summer of 2018, three glorious days, then it was all over.

While in town I thrifted this lovely linen dress and straw hat, I only wore the hat this one day, but did get to bring it home.  I do like the dress.

I bought some horseradish and beetroot chutney, but unfortunately it was one of the items I had to jettison before I returned.  It was going to be a gift, but I think my sis will like it.

Had a nice chat with this old gentleman who said I reminded him of his wife in my straw hat.

All the fields had been harvested one month early, you can see how golden everything was, but in some places very brown.

Of course I had tea and scones, sis and BIL went for a sandwich.

Lovely to be out in remembered haunts.



  1. The tea rooms look lovely, so bright and cheerful. What a great find your hat and dress was.

  2. Love your photos especially the tea room and the old gentleman. Your hat is lovely. The tea room looks very tempting.

  3. When I read your blog my mind drifts into your story. Not only do you have enchanting photographs your writing is amazing. I'm not familiar with your name . . . maybe I should be . . . I only know you as:
    If you're not a writer, I think you should be.
    Just a sister blogger,
    Connie :)

  4. I break can be the best thing ever to revitalize you.
    Love the hat! :)

  5. What a crazy first day! So glad the second was so much nicer.

  6. What lovely photos, and your dress and hat were great finds! x
