Wednesday, October 31, 2018

28th August 2018 Langham Dome Norfolk

Hi Dear Folk,

I have most of my pots that were out in the garden stored away for winter, on the outside steps leading down to the basement, most precarious, along with furniture in the garage and basement that would not weather out the winter.  Another job crossed off my list.

East Anglia had so many airfields in WWII.  It was the place to fly out from over to Germany.  I have several American friends who either did service in England in this area, or were there in their childhood.

But I must tell you of my neighbour George, who died several years ago and I still think of.  One day we were talking about his WWII service time and he said he was in England, stationed at Wethersfield and remembers frequenting a pub in Sible Hedingham, where my mum grew up, she was in High School at that time. Isn't that bizarre that my mum and my American next door neighbour could have passed each other in the street back in the early forties.

Langham Dome sits right in the middle of the country side.  We passed by it and said what is that?  On the way back we thought let's stop and see what it is.  It is an anti aircraft training dome and is now a little museum.



  1. Such a small world, amazing that your Mum and neighbour could have passed each other.

  2. Anti-aircraft training dome. So many things, we never think about, any more...... But were so necessary, back-in-th-day.

    Did your mother relay her memories, of WWII time, to you? Have you asked her, to do so? Many things will be lost, when her/my generation passes on. My memories, are of life in the US. Hers are of life, right on the front. Sad to lose them....

    Happy Halloween/Samhain!
