Thursday, October 25, 2018

24th August Jean D's Bungalow

Hi Dear Folk,

I thought you might like to see a social semi detached council bungalow, my grandma lived in one almost identical in Halstead.  This was a certain style that they would build a few of, I think there are six in this little close in a country village.

Jean loves her garden and has planted almost everything from cuttings which she put in root grow, which I'm going to look into, because it's an inexpensive way of expanding ones garden.

Jean has two bedrooms, one at the front and one at the back, kitchen, sitting room, bathroom and central hallway.  It is most cosy and a lovely little place to live when you're older, almost all costs picked up by the government.

Jean is very spry and in her eighties.  A lot of fun to be with.



  1. I love her little bungalow and it would suit me perfectly. I could get a bungalow from our council but it would be one bedroom and very tiny. Not nearly as spacious as Jean's.

  2. She certainly has a wonderful garden, it looks lovely.
