Saturday, October 20, 2018

10th August 2018 Cambridge Market in the Rain

Hi Dear Folk,

Now you're with me in the centre of Cambridge at the open air market which is there almost every day.  Most towns in England have one day a week, which is their open air market day, but because Cambridge is such a popular place to visit, it is there every day.

Bikes are the means of transportation in Cambridge and it makes sense because driving and parking there is a nightmare.  In fact if you drive to Cambridge you park outside of town and catch the shuttle bus into town.  There are a couple of car parks in town, but you can get all the way there and they'll be full.

I thought this series of photos captures a typical rainy day in England.



  1. I drove into the city once. Never again! I usually get the train. Good photos.

  2. A bit of rain certainly doesn't keep the english from enjoying life!
