Sunday, July 1, 2018

Yard Sale

Hi Dear Folk,

What a week, I'm not sure I remember it all, so let me work backwards.  Yesterday Saturday we had a Yard Sale to clear out the garage.  It has needed doing for years, but to be quite honest with working full time and the energy I know it takes to do a yard sale I didn't want to tackle it.

The garage is almost a double in size and let us say, it was packed like a UPS truck, my husband used to work for UPS.  Quite neat but to get to the back the front items had to come out first and some items were totally buried and had never seen the light of day.

Mr. B. took off Saturday, The Boy was on board, as he wants to use the garage for his second car, also any repairs he does have been done out on the street and now he will have the garage to work in.  Friday night, we knew it was not expected to rain, so we got everything out and piled on the lawn.  I made up posters and ran around stapling them on poles in the neighborhood.

Saturday morning we were up early, putting everything out front, arranging it so that people could see.  Our first visitor was a local policeman, he said I can see everything here is from the eighties, yes I guess he hit that spot on.

We had a lot of furniture and camping items, some bigger ticket items such as the leather chair and old Empire style rocker, and I wondered if they would go, but I was presently surprised by the end of the day that we had sold most items that I really wanted cleared out and the balance Rob took over as a donation at the local thrift.  Now for the organizing of what will remain in the garage.

This was what we put out along the curb for people to see and there was more inside on the lawn.

It was a hot day, but I think it could have been worse.  We had a pretty solid flow of customers from 8:00 AM onwards, in between I would take a break on the Oak Tree patio, so up and down, up and down.  Today Sunday I'm ready for a rest.

Unfortunately I pulled a muscle over my right hip on Tuesday. I reached over at the wrong angle to get a trash can out of the garage and zing. Friday I went for some therapy, Mr. B. made the appointment for me, and I'm glad he did.  We have friends who do Deep Muscle Therapy and I was able to get an appointment on Friday.  It is the weirdest thing how your hip muscle controls the lifting of your leg.  I cannot lift my right leg to get into the car, and have to lift it with my hand, not to mention the pain in doing so.

We have a high bed and Mr. B. took off the extra foam pad, so that I could get up into bed. Harder than you think when your back hurts, and turning is like being a beached whale. I'm hoping that once the muscle settles down it all goes back to normal, but it is most disturbing, not to mention the pain.  I'm amazed I made it through yesterday.

I have taken some time though to sit and read.  Earlier in the week was quite cool, so I finished the hand stitching I needed to do on my crochet hat.  It felt good to have that completed.

My orchid bloomed and is doing well sitting outside.  I love the purple contrasted with the orange day lily.

Miss Tupp sitting on the Pond Patio, keeping me company as I read.

Sharpening of claws, rather outside than in the house.  The old ash tree roots are just right for this.  I have several friends who never let their cats out.  It seemed a most peculiar thing to me because in the UK most people let their cats outside and they love it, their two worlds, in the house and out.

Fungi is always sprouting up around the dead tree roots, it's a major contributing factor to decomposition.

A local thrift is either going out of business or being bought out by Goodwill, will wait and see.  In any case I stopped over Friday afternoon as they were having a clearance and found three winter coats.  One of those things such a good price I couldn't let them pass.  One was an all wool duffle coat from Talbots, in a sand color.  The other a black, double breasted type of pea coat with gold military buttons in wool and cashmere blend.  The last was a hounds tooth check cape.  All look nice on me.  Total $16.00.

I think the cape might have been hand made and needs a little neatening on the arm lining at the ends, but nothing I can't do.  The lining on the duffle coat needs a stitch on the back seam, but both minor repairs.  The black coat has one button missing, but I have a tin full of buttons and I don't honestly think anyone will notice if it is slightly different.  I can always put the odd button at the top under the collar and move that one down to replace the one that is missing center front.

I think when an item of clothing needs a minor repair, people get rid of them.

Well that's a wrap.  Have a wonderful weekend.


PS:  Will show you what was unearthed and now have sitting on the Oak Tree Patio.

PPS:  I have a funny little story.  An old lady from across the street who lives in the senior apartments must have a birds eye view of what goes on and knew everything about Rob having two cars and working on the Blue Miata and then getting the Red Mini and working on that, in fact she had a whole conversation with Rob about it.  You never know who is watching you.


  1. Glad the garage sale went well. How strange to know someone is watching you and knows what is going on. The coats sounds like a great buy.

  2. Yard sales can involve such a lot of work to set up. I'm glad you managed to sell much of it and then had a place to take the rest. There is often shifting of items to provide room for "working on a car" in our garage, too. I hope your pulled muscle starts to feel better soon. -Jenn

  3. It's so hot, it's amazing that your got customers at your yard sale! But I guess, nothing stops yard sale people. :-)

    Don't know how you worked it either, in the heat. Plus a sore muscle, which causes so much pain.

    Time to rest!

    Lucky it was only an innocent old lady, who was watching. :-) but then, we never know, if 'someone else' is watching, do we?

  4. I am impressed by your yard sale. Not seen any here although I have seen a garage sale advertised a few years ago. I hope your muscle recovers. Sounds painful. The flowers are beautiful. Well done on your charity shop bargains. Yes you never know who is watching! I suppose at least it deters thieves.

  5. Well, Miss Tupp is beautiful! And that's quite the sale. Wonderfully arranged -- I know I would have stopped by. But by now I hope that deep muscle therapy helped. I can relate and bad back is no fun! Take care of it and rest easy for a bit!
