Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Too Much Rain In A Year of Fires and Droughts

Hi Dear Folk,

We have had so much rain, and really weird rain at that, one minute sunny, next minute clouds and squalling rain and then again back to sun.  My garden loves it, but I can't sit out in it, because no sooner do you comfortably get set up and then a shower comes through.  Humidity has been up there.

It has rained so much the basement has sprung a leak.  We had a French drain and sump pump put in within the first year of buying this house and that has worked well until this year, and all of a sudden water is coming in from a different area and we again have puddles of water in the basement.  In fact that's where I've been with Mr. B.  clearing things away from that area and sorting yet again.  The basement must be the most sorted place in this house, it always seems to need doing.

Now The Boy is pretty much taking over the garage, not completely, but still, I shall expect certain things moved out of my basement, although he says his summer tires and wheels have to stay in the basement, at the moment the winter set are there, because they must not get too cold. OK!!!

I'm hoping all bike paraphernalia, all sorts of tools he uses will be moved to the work bench in the garage.  Along with oil, spray cans and other items.  But I do feel good as to what we accomplished today.  Slowly, slowly it's all being down sized.

I don't think that my garden has been as lush as this in the middle of summer for a long while.  It's all the rain and heat.  These tomatoes are growing in one of my giant blue ceramic pots, near to the kitchen.  I feel that I will be going away at the wrong time to harvest all this, but the Mr. can.

Love these Chinese cabbage and they taste good.  I think they definitely thrive off this rain.


Plum tomatoes and broccoli.

Norwegian Blue Spruce.

These tomatoes seeded themselves and just have grown overnight.

My mandevilla which I wintered over.



  1. Everything looks so lovely and healthy! :)

  2. Wow your gardens are looking so great especially all your veggies. I bet it is so nice to have home grown veggies from your garden.
    Happy Thursday. Have a great rest of the week.

  3. Wow, your garden is lush and wonderful! I wish we'd planted cabbage like that.. and your tomatoes look like they're going to be divine. Enjoy your garden, I sure am enjoying our wild farm garden here in Oregon. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. You gave us a wonderful tour of your garden. Everything is thriving and looks so healthy. Sorry to hear about the basement, hope there isn't too much damage.

  5. Heavens, your garden really is lush. That's sort of what ours looks like in spring. Rain and sunshine do miracles. I'm spitting three times on your tomatoes to keep the evil eye off them lol

  6. I think it looks great, especially considering the weather. Now it looks like PA is going to get a ton of rain. It never can decide, can it, to be balanced.

  7. Your garden looks beautiful! We have had a lot of rain this week, too, making it too wet to sit out in the morning, which is my favorite time of day to be outside. My garden loves it, but my tomatoes aren't coming along nearly as well as yours. So sorry about the water in the basement:( That is such a mess to deal with. Been there, done that. It is an excuse to clean, if you have to find a bright side.

  8. From your photos, your garden looks amazing . . . so lush and green, just beautiful.

  9. Your garden looks great - so lush! Out cherry tomatoes are coming in like crazy (and green beans and carrots). Our broccoli always gets too many worms!

  10. Your garden looks wonderful. What a contrast with mine which is brown and drooping in spite of my watering efforts. Had the first rain today for over 7 weeks. I'm pleased I decided not to grow so much veg this year.

  11. Well hello! What fun I've had looking at all the pages on your blog. Like you, our garden is lush and full and have no idea how I'll get it all preserved, Fortunately we have pigs who'll get lots of leftovers.
