Friday, July 6, 2018

My Grandfather Clock Loves The Hot Weather and Watch Where You Park in the UK

Hi Dear Folk,

My grandfather clock loves the hot weather.  How do I know?  Our grandfather clock sits in the hallway, it's something we bought many years ago and is an American Boston design.  We saw a long wall version of it almost identical at the Baltimore Rail Museum, years ago, an original.

It hasn't run for years, nothing major wrong just needed a tuneup and for that you need a guy to visit the house and clock repairers are few and far between these days, so it has just sat.  I was walking past and thought let me just push that pendulum, it was already partially wound.  You can guess what happened, it has been running ever since and keeping perfect time.  The only conclusion we could come to is that in all this heat the oil is thinner and lubricates and therefore runs with more ease.

It is lovely, there a three different chimes, Big Ben, St Michael's and Whittington chimes.  I left it where it was, not wanting to mess anything up as it's running.

Today Friday started of with thunder and a big flash, plus some heavy rain.  Everything is growing well, what with the nightly thunder storm, then today will be an overcast day of rain, but cool days are ahead.

Oh dear!  Another letter from UK, related to the first letter, this from Hertz rental company, notifying Rob that they have charged his credit card 48.00 pounds for the effort it took them to give away his personal information to the parking authorities.  I was cross and then I thought it's no good getting all het up over these corporations and what they do, because they can do just what they want and there's not a darn thing you can do about it, except not give yourself blood pressure.

The moral of the story is take the train in the UK and don't rent a car, or if you do watch very closely where you park.

Yesterday was another busy day, Mr.B. stacked up the breeze blocks for the outside drinks counter, I'm not totally happy with the way he leveled it, we will wait for it to settle and may do it again, but the overall look is good and will be handy.

I cleared out what I call the dog kennel.  We have two com posters, a round one and one that looks like a dog kennel, but years ago Mr. B. filled it with kindling, needless to say after being left for so long, it was nasty, including a mouse nest. It was ruining the view from my new patio area, and I had meant to get to it for ages.  It is all disassembled and what I could use is on the ever growing kindling pile.  Let alone the boxes of kindling in the garage.  The bush in the corner now falls over that area nicely.  Mr. B. cut up some old pressure treated wood posts and put that out for the trash.  They are not going to be happy with us this week, there is quite a pile out back.

As it is raining we will work in the garage, cleaning and sorting all the things we need to keep.

I have a month until I'm off on my travels, so just want to get this all done.  Who knew retirement could be so busy.  I tell myself it's good for body and soul.

Thinking of my trip I need to start making a list and think about what I want to take, plus I do want to work on a journal.

Have a great weekend, ours should be cooler, Yay!



  1. You walked by, and thought, to check your grandfather clock.... It's almost as if the old clock, was whispering to you. :-)))))

    I like that way, of thinking of it.... :-)

  2. We haven't had rain in days and could really use it but it is cooling off some, which is good. Bad news about the parking violation. Ugh. We'll train and bus!

  3. You must be getting very fit with all this outdoor work!

  4. Interesting about the clock. I can't wait to see your outdoor bar area - that will be so nice!! Glad the temps have moderated a bit for us. Of course, now they are back on the rise....

  5. I apologise profusely for the UK's parking!!!!!!!!
    Hope you have a fab weekend chuck xxx
