Thursday, July 19, 2018

Colours of The Twenties and Danish Oiled Table

Hi Dear Folk,

What a beautiful day, 87F with low humidity, my perfect summer day, blue skies to boot.

Why does honeysuckle always smell more fragrant at night?  It does you know!

I baked some little cakes and added some older blueberries that needed using.  Also made some larger ones wrapped and ready for lunches.

We sold our first house to a friend and one of the things he said he liked about the house was the colour of the trim.  It reminded him of his families farm house in northern Vermont, Island Pond.  It was a trim colour we had painted in one of the rooms.  But in having lived in a couple of 1920's houses and having found this paint colour under other layers of paint, I think it was a very popular colour in the twenties and thirties.  Also it might have influenced me in buying this china muffin pan.  The green was often set off with cream.


Not sure if these little garden side tables are from the twenties or thirties, but I think they could be.

Lovely slow morning on the kitchen patio, coffee, reading and communing with Miss Tupp.

I have at last sanded the top of this table I want to put out on the Oak Tree Patio.  It's a nice piece of solid wood.  Mr.B.  must have found this table in the trash, it's been in the garage for ever.

I have added three coats of Danish Oil in medium walnut, now need to fine sand it and add three more coats and do this yet another time, so nine coats altogether and should be good, I hope to withstand water.

I'm not going to bother about the base for now, maybe another year.


PS:  My son made me laugh this evening.  Every so often we will hear these crazy cries and sentences from our next door neighbors son, Rob said "Mum they remind me of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  Every time you hear him think of that and you will laugh"  Sure enough he sounds just like Jack Nicholson in that movie.

These are the neighbors with Kruger the senile pitbull, who never stops barking.  Who is well past his time of when he should pop his clogs.


  1. What a great table the finish will look amazing. Those blueberry cakes look tasty, I am now on the hunt for something to eat.

    1. I'm having fun with that table seeing the results.

  2. I enjoyed seeing your lovely table being refinished so lovely! The china muffin pan is a beautiful color. So happy and sunny looking. And your muffins look yummy. Have a nice weekend. ♥

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  3. That able is going to be beautiful. Love the turquoise and cream together, so I love the muffin tin.
    Have a quiet weekend. ;)

    1. I am enjoying restoring that wood table top, something soothing about it.

  4. That table is so lovely. What a lot of work, though! I've avoided woodworking because it seems so time-consuming. However, you end up with some lovely furniture.

    1. Doing just the top wasn't that hard, once I got used to how to use the sander. I really do like that Danish Oil.

  5. OMG ..... I thought we were the only people with crazy neighbors like that. We finally just up and moved.

    The muffins look fabulous!!!

  6. Those perfect summer days..... Happy sigh..... They are such a joy. Yessss...

    Oh mercy, nutty neighbors with a constantly barking senile pitbull. Sighhhh....

    Have you thought of moving?

    A barking dog would drive me 'up a tree.'

  7. This looks peaceful, lovely and beautiful. (Love the table). And Miss Tupp is a gem.

    1. Yes I do love my Miss Tupp. Working on the table has been fun.

  8. That blue shade is my favorite. So serene. The table looks so was a lot of work but I'm sure it is worth it. Love your blog.

    1. Hi Peggy, thank you for stopping by and appreciate your comment.

  9. Oh, you just gave me a great idea. Steve asked me what we could do this week. Our butcher block on the island has been damaged from stains and water spots . . . I think we need to remove it, sand it down and give it a good oiling. Your table turned out beautiful! Thanks for inspiring me . . . I wouldn't want my retired hubby to get bored, LOL.

    1. That sounds a great idea Connie and I have heard that Danish Oil is good for butcher block, but double check.

  10. Beautiful table and the muffins look yummy. Are you reading "Angle of Repose?" I loved that book.

    1. Yes I am reading Angle of Repose, but I think the writings of Mary Hallock Foote just as good. A Victorian Gentlewoman in the Far West, Reminiscences of Mary Hallock Foote. There was a lot of controversy over whether Wallace Stegner plagiarized a lot of passages in The Angle of Repose. I do like the Angle of Repose, but think the best parts of the book are set in the past and not his reminiscences of the present, which was then the early seventies.
