Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Work, Work, Work, Work, Work

Hi Dear Folk,

It is dull and overcast today with some rain.  Yesterday they had serious thunder storm warnings and as I rode home on the train, the clouds looked ominous and then let lose.  By the time I got to my stop  it was just spitting, I was most thankful for that, I think the storm was heading to Philly and had already poured in my home town.

Everything is sopping wet, the roses love it though.  I cut my first bloom of the year.

I think it's a Queen Elizabeth rose, but not positive.

Mr. B. didn't work today, so went out and bought a new lawn mover which we needed.  The other one is old and he put in a new carburetor a while ago and repaired the front wheel, now the other wheel and the metal has gone, hence a new lawn mover.

As I couldn't work outside, I decided to get something done that has been on my mind, and that is changing my china in my hutch from top shelf to bottom and bottom to top.  For what ever reason I landed up with all the heavy china on the top shelf and all the bone fragile china on the bottom shelf and I could just see it being a recipe for disaster, so took the time and swapped them.  Needless to say I couldn't get everything back.

I did rearrange the top of my oak dresser in the dining room, with my new goodies from the NSH yard sale.  I'm happy with it.

Last Monday I took a PTO day and was able to pack away all my winter jumpers/sweaters, no mean feet in a house with few clothes closets.  Plastic zip bags under the bed is where they go.  I uncovered my Salwar Kameez that I bought at a thrift, the tunic top along with a matching scarf, in turquoise and burgundy red, a paisley pattern and beading.  The tunic does not fit me, but I un picked the side seams, now I must go and buy some fabric to insert a gusset down each side.  I'm going to buy some leggings to go with it, I think it will be nice for the summer.  Gudrun Sjoden has some bright colored leggings, in fact her whole collections are always most colorful.

BB my sister phoned early this morning, asking for the dates of my arrival in August and I couldn't remember whether I arrived on the 5th August or left on the 5th.  In any case the paperwork is in a folder where I always keep my passport and I saw my passport was not there.  I had forgotten to replace it after I had taken it out to verify my citizenship, it was need to go on ACA healthcare.  Panic stations because I could not remember where I had left it.  As it turns out it was in one of the pockets of my leather messenger bag and has been traveling backwards and forwards to work for a couple of weeks.  Now it is back where it should be, thank goodness.  I don't deal well with stress as I get older.

Well hope your day is good.  Take care.



  1. That piece of pressed glass at the center is GORGEOUS. Pray tell, what is the NSH sale.

    If you don't mind my asking ...... we must live close to each other. I'm in Chalfont. Where are you? (If you don't want to answer that, I totally understand.)

  2. Hi Dee,
    Thank you for leaving a comment. NSH is the Norristown State Hospital. There are lots of buildings on the grounds, and they usually have signs up on the day pointing to the correct building. So last one is in August. Not sure of the date, but I will not be in USA then.

  3. Love your rose. Mine haven't flowered yet. Your new finds look good. I look forward to seeing pictures of your salwar kameez. Am glad you found your passport.

  4. Such a beautiful rose, love the colour. Thrilled you found your passport, that could have been a nightmare.
