Saturday, May 12, 2018

Wisteria and Etherial Imaginings

Hi Dear Folk,

Last Thursday The Boy got off on his trip to the UK.  Flying out from Philly to Boston, meeting Tierney there, and then an evening flight out to London.  Tierney's dad drove her down as her brother was flying in from Pittsburgh, so drop one off, pick one up and dad treated them all to a Japanese sushi lunch in Boston.  At least that made their day shorter.  Was able to check in with them all via Facebook Messenger and they were at my sister's having a family BBQ.

I am so behind with my after winter garden clean up and it looks like the weather is against me this weekend as it is cloudy and raining.  Plus not a thing planted, not good.  I think I will just have to count this year out.  Should have retired a month earlier to get a jump on this.

I did spend a whole day last week my first day out there after winter.  Just did a bit, stopped had a cup of tea, did some more, another cup of tea, read my book, did some more and spent from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm pottering and cleaning up, got a lot done.  If I was to go to the gym I would never push myself as I do when I garden.  Gardening is good for me, that's what I tell myself and I love the results.

I keep thinking I should make myself a gardening dress, you know one you can wear with a straw hat and potter, look ethereal and wander round, but that's only for when it's all under control, because up until then it's old check shorts, a tee shirt and Crocs on my feet, nothing glamorous about all that. Especially when you are soaked cleaning out all the oak leaves that have fallen into the pond throughout the winter.

Last year our wisteria did not bloom at all, just as it was about to a frost came and froze all the blossoms and then they dried up and dropped off, it was a sorry sight, as there is only one week of glory per year.  This year it is back to it's full glory.  Last week I sat under it reading a book, drinking my tea and the bees were busy buzzing around doing their work, it was peaceful.

I do like the freshness of spring, that bright new start.  Moss on the patio and a special green only seen in springtime.

Was able to get most of my plants out of the sunporch into the garden, must now go down to the nether world of the basement and retrieve what is wilting away down there, my calla lilies.

If I don't get too much done in the garden this weekend there's always cleaning and sorting to do in the house, but I want to be out there.



  1. Your wisteria is gorgeous!!! I love how full of flowers it is.

    Hopefully, the rain will hold off a bit so you can enjoy being out in your garden today.

  2. Hope the boy and Tierney get some good weather. Quite wet this afternoon so no gardening. Your wisteria is beautiful. I went and bought some veg plants as too much going on to grow everything from seed as normal. Sowed salad leaf, beetroot and spinach straight into the ground. Hope you catch up with your garden. Best to just enjoy it.

  3. My goodness your wisteria is gorgeous this year! I feel the same as you about gardening this time of year, "I want to be out there." ♥

    1. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. I love the wisteria, spring blossoms have such a short window of time.

  4. I love the idea of a floaty dress and straw hat for gardening, but in real life it is jeans and a sweatshirt.

    1. I am going to work on it though, when all is done and I can just potter, then I will get my flowery gardening dress out and straw hat.

  5. A gardening frock would be lovely! One with lots of flowers on it so you blend right in! Your wisteria is lovely. Last week we were in the ministry and saw one and the sister we were with thought it was a lilac. To keep it simple I explained wisteria droops down and hangs where lilacs grow up. I can see why she mixed them up though.

    1. That's funny about describing the difference between lilac and wisteria. As a child my parents would wallpaper our sitting room every couple of years and one year it was a pattern of trellises with wisteria, never forget that wallpaper of the sixties.

  6. Your wisteria is glorious, such a gorgeous colour. The lilac is blooming here just now and it's right outside my bedroom window so it brings a delicious scent into the house when the windows are open. We're all behind with our gardens this year with the cold spring we had, though we got some beautiful weather the week before last so we've been catching up. I hope The Boy has a wonderful time in the UK, I don't think the weather is forecast to be bad this week so he may have struck lucky.

    1. Lilac right outside your bedroom window sound delightful and most fragrant.

  7. Your wisteria is gorgeous! I'll bet it's very fragrant as well. Lovely pictures.

    1. It is most fragrant, I do love it and the bees do too.
