Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tea Dyed Glovelette

Hi Dear Folk,

Another soggy dull day.  Last week I caught a terrible cold or may have even been flu, so was off work three days with that.  I had already scheduled Monday to get our taxes done at the library, so had to soldier on.  What a fiasco that was with their government software that would only take certain ID codes.  Long and the short is we couldn't get are taxes done, which really made my day.  I said well will do them myself, got all my W2's entered online when the darn thing froze up.  By then I was done, so phoned an accountant who was recommended and said did she have time for me to drop off my taxes and she did.  Mr. B and I drove over and dropped them off.

Today we just finished signing everything so is a done deal what a relief.  But not good because the Boy is no longer a deduction and we got whammed big time.  Next year we will be better off under the new tax law but I feel bad for families because they are so much worse off under the new tax law. The American Dream of owning ones own house and having a family is hit big time, it's a sad state of affairs.  Rich people never could deduct their dependents because they made too much.

I am wishing for some sun and feel somewhat blue coming out of what has seemed a long winter.  As I had to go to another town to get my taxes done, not somewhere on my beaten track, I stopped off at a produce and plant store that I like, but don't usually get the time to drive over to.  I cheered myself up by getting a lovely orchid and also a pink hydrangea which I will plant out in the garden.

Minuture daffodils from my garden, a little past their best, what a burst of color.

This is my latest project, I think I can call it a glovelette, for evening wear.  I started off with an old battenburg lace doily that had seen better days, in fact it was in the trash basket when I had this brain wave, so took it out and tea dyed it.  Bought some brocade and dug into my store of beads, and this is what I came up with.

I hope to wear it with a grey blue calf length tea dress I have, I think they will look nice.  Maybe wear them on my cruise one night.  A girl has to have some bling.  Maybe a pedicure and work on those hands.

I'm busy at work training the new employee and find it most tiring.  Yes it's time.

Hope you have cheer in your day.


PS:  I have to tell you this because it so blew my mind.  My son needs some special cream, prescribed by the doctor, when he went to pick it up from the pharmacist he said it cost $600.00 yes you read that right six hundred dollars, because it is only made by one pharmaceutical company and they have the monopoly.  It would have been $700.00 but his health insurance would pay for the $100.00 big deal!  Really the government allows this?


  1. Love your glovelette! Very clever and well done. Don't get me started on medicine/medical charges/insurance/etc. A very sorry state of affairs. Oh, and love your new orchid as well - so beautiful.

  2. Love your new creation! You are darn clever....and artistic.
    Amazing about the price of that cream. Do they ever sell any? Ridiculous

  3. Your glovelette is beautiful. I don't know how you think up these creations. I love your orchid and I hope you do better with it than I have with mine. What a dreadful price for cream. I hope it lasts a long while. People moan about paying the standard price for prescriptions here which I think is still less than £10 per item.

  4. Our government allows way more than it should as far as pharmaceuticals and tests. I love your glovelette, so pretty.
