Saturday, April 28, 2018

Mixed Bag Of A Day

Hi Dear Folk,

Not sure if today was a fruitful day, it was a bit of a mixed bag.  I had a 10:15 am appointment with the dentist for a biannual cleaning, which all went well.  My last one under this insurance, before retiring.

Drove over to Sam's Club, there is not one near me, only to arrive there thirty-five minutes later to find out I could not return the item, an iPad case that landed up being the wrong size for my older iPad, even though I had the receipt, because I did not have the member card, I had purchased it under a friend's member card, when out with her.

Being rather bummed out at that point, I stopped off at Clothes Mentor, found a nice grey cardigan, Jones of NY, 30% off for summer which will go with a couple of my skirts.  Also a Jones of NY top and some crazy Betsy Johnson fish earnings, I think you'll like them.  Clothes Mentor is an up scale chain for profit thrift store.

Home, and then my sis BB phoned, so a chat with her, about dates of the Boy's and Tierney's arrival, which is fast approaching.

Mr B. got home and we took out the wood that he had bought in for the fire, but we had never used, plus we had to restock the wood pile from the wheel barrow of wood which was by the door, because although chilly this evening I am using my gas stove in the Simla Room and not our wood fireplace, now the fire needs cleaning up.

Also a neighbor left us a note, that they had wood for us.  After the tree people Asplungh, who subcontract with the telephone people, to cut down all branches that will pull their wires down, they decided that their two maple trees had been so decimated by them over the years, that they might as well chop them down all together.  So Mr. B. and I transported wood back to our wood pile for next winter.  I must say since we installed the new gas furnace we do not use our wood stove as much.  I think next winter I will burn it more as will be at home more.  Also roped back a flowering bush that was decimated in the snow storms, one whole center section was broken, so will take a while to come back to where it was.

After the winter it takes so much time and effort to bring the garden round to where I want it to be.  I don't think of the overall garden, or the task of cleaning up would seem too monumental.  I just go one area at a time and take joy that that is done and move on to the next.

I know I'm procrastinating on the sewing of my 1920's dress and I shouldn't be, don't know what's wrong with me.  It is now all cut out.  Last Wednesday I cut it out on the floor, and it has been many years since I have cut out a pattern, so have now come to the conclusion, that this old body cannot crawl around on the wood floor cutting out a pattern.  Even with a cushion my knees don't feel the same.  I'll have to get my two long fold up tables which have been at my friends house for at least five years in her garage.  They got left there after a party and she hasn't sorted the garage and up until now we had no need of them, so they just sat.

Have been crocheting a Bruge lace stitch scarf and I'm thrilled with an idea I came up with for one of my crochet hats.  I was not happy with the frilled crochet edge and was fiddling, pinning and coming up with ideas to make it work and "bam" an idea sprang into my mind and love it, it so makes the hat.  It's just pinned at the moment but will work on that another time and take photos.

Got a letter today in reference to Mr. B's pension.  Up until about ten years ago he had a Union job, so with that goes a pension, so few people get a pension today.  Since there are less and less Union jobs there are less and less pensions.  In any case that's not the point.  A couple of years ago the company offered to buy out his pension.  We discussed this and decided it was a bad idea.  It turns out it would have been a very bad idea, because in two years he would get back what they offered in the buy out.  But there must be some people who go for it, or they wouldn't offer it.  I remember they did the same at my dad's job in the UK, and my dad's wise words and thinking on the matter came back to me.

That was my Saturday.  How was yours?



  1. It's not so much getting down n my knees now, it's getting back up again!
    You've had a very busy time.

  2. You have accomplished a lot! Lovely to think of all that wood ready for next winter. Look forward to seeing your crochet hat.

  3. I not only can't get down on my knees, nor get up.. so I try to stay upright as much as possible. LOL! I look forward to seeing your Bruges lace you're doing. Thanks for visiting my blog! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Hi Teresa, Thank you for your comment. Yes the getting up is always a challenge. Will post pictures of the Bruges lace crochet.

  4. All that extra wood will come in useful for next year with the rising costs of fuel. Such a wise decision on the pension.

  5. Ugh! I think if you had a receipt they should return the item. Boo on Sam's Club.

    I went to Clothes Mentor this weekend too. I didn't find anything I wanted to buy this time, but I enjoyed looking.

  6. How nice to meet you! Thank you for your comment at Pondside. is still very shiny and new. I still have that sense of urgency as Sunday evening closes in and a sense of joy on Monday morning. I can't imagine what it would be like to have retired from a job I disliked. I am feeling all this joy at retiring from a job I loved!
    Looking forward to more posts from you, and adding you to my reading list.

    1. Yes I understand the Sunday evening feeling. My job is good, it's the long days after moving to the city that are hard. Thank you for your comment and look forward to our journey in a life after work.

  7. ooooo I like the sound of your funky earrings! x

    1. I must take a photo and post it, they are fun.

  8. Good luck with your impending retirement. You and your husband were very smart about the pension. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. It's always nice to meet new friends. ♥
