Friday, April 20, 2018

Catch Up!

Hi Dear Folk,

View from my office this morning.

I feel like time is flying by, on the other hand it seems still some long days until I retire, which I just have to get through.  Busy training someone at work.  Feeling over whelmed by the weather, lack of spring cleaning and lack of any gardening what so ever.

I need to get stuck into my Dress Like Your Grandma dress that I chose, but before that could happen the sewing machine had to be liberated, which meant de-clutting the corner of my Simla Room, and of course that uncovered all sorts of cleaning jobs, which meant I spent a whole day moving the sewing machine cabinet, cleaning the glass sliding doors behind that and all the door jambs and that was only inside and just one corner.  Some semblance of order has been bought to my sewing corner, but now the sitting room is a mess until I sort out where I need to stash all the yarn, fabrics and other sewing things.  When you have an old small house it's always a juggle of where to put things, plus I'm a bit of a collector.

Must, must cut out my pattern this weekend and then sit down to sewing it up.  Also need to work out if I need to make alterations to the size of the old 1920's pattern that I bought.  I do want to do it, but time is in short supply for me at the moment.

Saturday week, shot up to 78f , from freezing to 78f, it's hard to keep up with those kind of lows and highs, and will only make me want to be out in my garden and I've got too many other things going on for that.  Now has been down in thirties, cold, dull and windy.  Seeing the sun today.

Hope your weekend is great.



  1. What a gorgeous view from your office. The sky looks nice and blue and the sun is out so that is a good thing. Hoping we all start to see Spring here soon. Have a good weekend.

  2. ...and once you have retired, you will wonder how you ever had time to go to work!...

  3. Hope you get your dress started this weekend. I have to laugh that you have a small house. It is twice the size of mine which is considered large in this town. I suppose it is small for America then everything is bigger there. After a very cold spring we have suddenly had a very hot few days including the hottest April day since 1949. Getting cooler now.
